
Baptist Easley plans emergency training

EASLEY — Baptist Easley Hospital will host an active shooter emergency training exercise on Thursday morning from 9-11 a.m.

In the scenario, an estranged father wanted on a domestic violence charge enters the birthplace to seize a newborn, ultimately shooting 19 people and exposing some to an unknown chemical hazard.

In addition to Baptist Easley staff, agencies involved will be the Easley Police Department, Easley Fire Department, Pickens County Sheriff’s Office, Pickens County EMS, Pickens County OEM, Pickens County HAZMAT, Oconee Nuclear Station, SCDHEC, FEMA Region IV, Clemson University and other area hospitals.

All communications during the training exercise will be prefaced with “this is a drill.” The mass casualty exercise affects departments throughout the hospital. It engages several internal codes; evaluators will rate employees’ response and performance.

“Emergency preparedness training is essential for our hospital and our community,” Baptist Easley safety, security and emergency management manager Richard Collins said. “Our goal is to keep our patients, their families and our employees safe at all times. We need the support of community partners to do so. And, in the event of a real mass casualty, our hospital is vital in saving lives.”