Behavioral Health Services holds Youth Board recognition banquet

Pictured are Pickens County Youth Board members with the Honorable Judge Jasmine Twitty.
EASLEY — Behavioral Health Services of Pickens County held a recognition banquet for the Youth Board at the Easley YMCA on May 23.
Director of prevention services Cathy Breazeale and prevention specialist Jessica Gibson lead the Pickens County Youth Board (PCYB).
The mission of the PCYB is to promote alcohol, tobacco and other drug awareness and prevention through various skits and education. The PCYB are also role models for their peers and other students in Pickens County.
This year the Youth Board will see one of its members graduate. The recognition banquet honors all of the PCYB members, especially the graduating senior, Ivy Johnson of Liberty High School. Other members include Juan Burgess, Maddy Butler, Ashley Clark, Elizabeth Lyda and Dillon Peterman of Pickens High; Julia Dandeneau and Makenzye Patterson of Easley High; Britton Blackwell and Gracie Clardy of Liberty High and Skylar Grant, Mac Kerswell, D’Azia Mills and Dilani Rajapakse of Daniel High.
Guest speaker, the Honorable Judge Jasmine Twitty, shared how her experiences and leadership in high school and college led her to where she is today. She encouraged the students to “lift as you climb. Be bold. Be confident. Inspire others.” She closed by encouraging the Youth Board to keep up its good work in the community.
Each Youth Board member was recognized with a plaque highlighting the various strengths that each member brought to the board throughout the year. These awards were selected by Breazeale. Johnson received a special gift and the “Self-Motivated” award. She will be attending Presbyterian College in the fall.
Parents, along with other family members, came to make the affair — one that will be long remembered by the prevention department of Behavioral Health Services.
“Each year we are striving to make our Youth Board the best that it can be, and with the caliber of youth that apply, success will be inevitable,” Breazeale said.
Also in attendance from BHSPC were executive director Bob Hiott, deputy director Faye Nichols, chairmen of the board of directors Ernie Dandeneau, prevention specialist Alexander Dukes and prevention liaison Barbara Moss.
For more information about PCYB, call the prevention department of BHSPC at (864)898-5800 or visit