
Blue Ridge sends 3 to Washington Youth Tour

From left, Katie Elrod, Mattie Dalton and Brooklyn Garrett are pictured on Capitol Hill with the Capitol dome in the background.

WASHINGTON — Three young women recently represented Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative in Washington, D.C., at the annual Washington Youth Tour, a week-long experience shared with students nationwide.

Mattie Dalton, Katie Elrod and Brooklyn Garrett were chosen from a larger group of applicants to take part in this cooperative learning environment that includes a visit to many of the monuments and historical sites in Washington.

Elrod, daughter of Michael and Robin Elrod, from Travelers Rest High School, came home “proud and grateful to be a South Carolinian.” Her visit to Arlington National Cemetery was most impactful because it illustrated “how many men and women sacrificed their lives for our freedom.”

Learning more about cooperatives and their core values was a big part of the trip.

Garrett, a West-Oak High School student and daughter of James and Bonnie Garrett, returned home ready to talk about her experiences.

“I am zealous about leadership, politics and service,” she said. “This trip gave me a better understanding of teamwork and leadership, and I want to share what I learned with my community.”

For Pickens High School rising senior Dalton, daughter of Brett and Lisa Dalton, the trip was a great one.

Her experiences in Washington, coupled with the opportunity to meet so many new friends from South Carolina and other states, made it “one of the best and most enjoyable trips I’ve ever been on.”

“We’re very proud of the job that these young people did representing our organization in Washington,” said Charles Dalton, Blue Ridge Electric Co-op’s president and CEO. “I have no doubt that Mattie, Katie and Brooklyn have been forever changed by the history they learned, the culture they absorbed and the new friends they met.”

Information about next year’s trip, along with application instructions will be available in January at local high schools or on the Blue Ridge website. If you have a rising junior that loves history, business and making new friends, apply for the co-op sponsored Washington Youth Tour…the trip of a lifetime.