Category Archives: Lifestyles
Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee announces tourism projects funding availability
COUNTY — Pickens County is now accepting accommodations tax funding applications for projects for the 2015-2016 fiscal year from organizations involved in tourism-related activities or projects.
These funds, collected from Pickens County Accommodations Tax, are intended to be used to further the growth of the tourism industry in Pickens County by attracting or providing for tourists.
The distribution of these funds is approved by Pickens County Council who receives recommendations from the Pickens County Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee. This committee will determine its recommendations on completed Funding Request Applications received and will be meeting during the month of March 2016 to review these applications. The deadline for the receipt of all funding applications is February 26.
Any Pickens County organization whose efforts primarily involve or affect area tourism efforts is encouraged to apply for potential funding.
Funding request applications can be obtained by writing the Pickens County Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee at 222 McDaniel Ave. No. B-2, Pickens, SC 29671, by phone at (864) 868-2196, by e-mail at, or online at
Azalea Festival Committee sets date for annual pancake breakfast
PICKENS — For the second year in a row, the Pickens Azalea Festival Committee will be hosting its annual pancake breakfast.
The event will be held at the Pickens Senior Center on Saturday, March 5, with all proceeds going to support the 32nd annual Pickens Azalea Festival set for April.
Tickets can be purchased for $6 from 7-11 a.m. for plates including eggs, bacon or sausage, pancakes, grits, or biscuit and gravy, coffee or orange juice.
Lenten services set at Pickens-area churches
PICKENS — Enhance your journey to the cross this Lenten season by attending a brief service each Tuesday starting at noon, followed by a light lunch.
These ecumenical events are sponsored by the Pickens Ministerial Association and are open to the entire community.
Lenten noon services will continue on March 1 at Grace United Methodist Church. March 8 Lenten services will be at Seventh Day Adventist Church, and the final service of the season will take place on March 15 at Faith Lutheran Church. All the services will be held in Pickens.
Courier Community Calendar 2-24-16
• Cannon to offer Wellness Wednesdays
Cannon Memorial Hospital will be offering a February Wednesday Wellness Special at the Cannon Annex each week in February from 7 a.m.-10 a.m. No appointment or doctor’s order needed.
Participants can receive a discounted lipid panel for $15 (regularly $24) with results back within a week. Free blood pressure screenings are also available. For more information, contact Wellness at (864) 898-1331.
• Classes offered at Hagood Center
New Fiber Room Center activities at the Hagood Center in Pickens have been scheduled for February.
Below is a list of the center’s regular activities:
Monday: 10-11:30 a.m. — cathedral window quilts with Jacquie.
Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. — weaving with Pat; 9-11:30 a.m. — doll clothes with Jacquie; 10-11:30 a.m. — yo-yos with Irene and prayer shawls and cancer caps with Sharon (in the library). Wednesday: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. — weaving with Pat (in the heritage room); 10-11:30 a.m. — knitting with Tally.
Thursday: 10-11:30 a.m. quilting with Sara; 1:30-3:30 p.m. — rug hooking with Cheryl.
• PHS class of 1956 set to hold reunion
The Pickens High School Class of 1956 is planning a reunion for April 9. It will be a dutch lunch at The Gatehouse Restaurant at the corner of Ann and Griffin Streets in Pickens. It will begin at noon.
Make your reservations by calling Allison Dalton at (864) 859-4396, Marie Welborn at (864) 878-9124 or Tunkie Stokes at (864) 878-6101.
• East Side Baptist plans fishing clinic
East Side Baptist Church will host a free bass fishing clinic on Saturday, March 12, at 1 p.m. The speaker will be Bassmaster Terry Chupp.
East Side is located at 920 Anderson Drive in Liberty. For more information, call the church office at (864) 843-6481.
Tri-County offers $25 CEU classes for paramedics/EMTs
PENDLETON — Paramedics and EMTs who need to complete continuing education requirements to maintain their professional credentials can take classes at Tri-County Technical College for just $25 per course.
Throughout the year, the college’s Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) Division will offer a series of classes on its Pendleton campus. Medshore paramedic Lisa Hubbard will be the instructor.
The first class will be held March 15 from 6-10 p.m. and will cover OB Pediatrics Airway Breathing and Cardiology.
“We are pleased to offer low-cost classes for EMTs and paramedics who need to renew their certifications by taking Continuing Education (CE) courses,” said Andrela Riley, healthcare director for Healthcare Excellence in the CCE Division at Tri-County.
“Each month we will offer a different topic with classes scheduled on the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday from 6 – 10 p.m. We are able to offer these courses at a low cost because there are no textbooks, no national certification exams and no immunizations required,” she added. A certificate of completion will be awarded at the end of each four-hour course for the student to retain for his or her records.
For more information or to register, contact (864) 646-1700. For other questions, contact Andrela Riley at (864) 646-1724 or by e-mail at
Soapstone set to host fundraiser at church
PICKENS — Soapstone Church invites everyone to a special fundraiser at the church, located at 296 Liberia Road in Pickens, this Saturday, Feb. 20.
The event will feature fine cooking and will be held from noon-8 p.m.
Visitors will enjoy true Southern cooking, including a fish fry, barbecue and fried chicken with all the fixings right from Mrs. Mabel’s kitchen.
For more information, call (864) 414-8470.
Lenten services set at Pickens-area churches
PICKENS — Enhance your journey to the cross this Lenten season by attending a brief service each Tuesday starting at noon, followed by a light lunch.
These ecumenical events are sponsored by the Pickens Ministerial Association and are open to the entire community.
Lenten noon services will continue Feb. 23 at Pickens Presbyterian Church, followed on March 1 at Grace United Methodist Church. March 8 Lenten services will be at Seventh Day Adventist Church, and the final service of the season will take place on March 15 at Faith Lutheran Church. All the services will be held in Pickens.
Cannon blood drive moved to Feb. 22
PICKENS — Cannon Hospital has rescheduled it’s February blood drive.
The new date will be next Monday, Feb. 22, from 12:30-4:30 p.m.
The blood mobile will be set up in the front parking lot of the hospital.
For more information, contact Kathryn Gravely at (864) 898-1252.
Azalea Festival Committee sets date for annual pancake breakfast
PICKENS – For the second year in a row the Pickens Azalea Festival Committee will be hosting their annual pancake breakfast.
The event will be held at the Pickens Senior Center Saturday March 5 with all proceeds going to support the 32nd annual Pickens Azalea Festival set in April.
Tickets can be purchased for only $6 from 7 a.m. until 11 a.m. for plates including eggs, bacon or sausage, pancakes, grits, or biscuit and gravy coffee or orange juice.
Courier Community Calendar 2-17-16
• Cannon to offer Wellness Wednesdays
Cannon Memorial Hospital will be offering a February Wednesday Wellness Special at the Cannon Annex each week in February from 7 a.m.-10 a.m. No appointment or doctor’s order needed. Participants can receive a discounted lipid panel for $15 (regularly $24) with results back within a week. Free blood pressure screenings are also available. For more information, contact Wellness at (864) 898-1331.
• Classes offered at Hagood Center
New Fiber Room Center activities at the Hagood Center in Pickens have been scheduled for February.
Below is a list of the center’s regular activities:
Monday: 10-11:30 a.m. — cathedral window quilts with Jacquie.
Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. — weaving with Pat; 9-11:30 a.m. — doll clothes with Jacquie; 10-11:30 a.m. — yo-yos with Irene and prayer shawls and cancer caps with Sharon (in the library). Wednesday: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. — weaving with Pat (in the heritage room); 10-11:30 a.m. — knitting with Tally.
Thursday: 10-11:30 a.m. quilting with Sara; 1:30-3:30 p.m. — rug hooking with Cheryl.
• PHS class of 1956 set to hold reunion
The Pickens High School Class of 1956 is planning a reunion for April 9. It will be a dutch lunch at The Gatehouse Restaurant at the corner of Ann and Griffin Streets in Pickens. It will begin at noon.
Make your reservations by calling Allison Dalton at (864) 859-4396, Marie Welborn at (864) 878-9124 or Tunkie Stokes at (864) 878-6101.
• East Side Baptist plans fishing clinic
East Side Baptist Church will host a free bass fishing clinic on Saturday, March 12, at 1 p.m. The speaker will be Bassmaster Terry Chupp.
East Side is located at 920 Anderson Drive in Liberty. For more information, call the church office at (864) 843-6481.