
Category Archives: Opinions

Getting help when leaving the service

Those who leave the service can be in for quite a life change, not only for them but for their families. The transition can be something of a challenge.

The VA knows this and has set aside

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Checking session stats for our state legislators

Well, the 125th session of the South Carolina General Assembly has mercifully come to an end, and right on schedule — except for some minor unfinished business such as agreeing on a state budget.

So it’s time once again to check in with our team from Pickens County to see what they’ve been doing for us in Columbia.

The Legislature as a whole spent a lot of time voting on all kinds of very important bills, including one

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Courier Letters to the Editor

The world needs love, sweet love

Dear Editor,

In America today, we have many who are more upset over a politician killing a dog than over the death of the innocents and helpless losing their lives to abortion. When did Americans lose their hearts? No conscience it would seem anymore. Whatever they have left, if any, has been severed with a hot iron, as the saying goes. Human life should come first in this world we live in.

There was a time when the dog’s killing would probably have barely made the news. However,

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What is the abundant life Jesus offers?

It’s common in this modern age for religious seekers to comb the Bible for passages that promise endless blessings. People love to hear messages about God protecting His children from danger and suffering, and how He wants to give us everything we dream about.

The problem is this is not exactly why the Christian life was established. Christians should read and study the Bible daily, while keeping everything in context is critical to understanding more clearly to what God is

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The misery of madness

The condition known simply as “madness” has plagued people for centuries.

Prehistoric cultures thought madness was the work of evil spirits or demons who took control of the body. Early Greek and Chinese cultures believed the evil spirits could be conquered through prayer, flogging, starvation or purging. Purging involved

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Fighting back vs. drug companies

You have to love it when a drug company gets nailed for their role in the opioid drug crisis.

In this case, our favorite government department, Office of Inspector General for the VA, was involved in bringing down a huge drug manufacturer for distributing a misbranded opioid. The result: The drug company was hit with the

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Musings on the merry month of May

There is an old expression that dates to the 1600s — “April showers bring May flowers.” The sun is shining, the azaleas are blooming, birds are chirping, and gardeners are humming — therefore, it must be May.

Another old expression is “Marry in May and you’ll rue the day.” Ancient Romans believed it was unlucky to get married during animal mating season

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Courier Letters to the Editor

Righting the Liberty ship?

Dear Editor,

You may have heard about the proposal by Liberty County Councilman Roy Costner to swap a county-owned building in the city of Liberty for a city-owned building in the city, so the city of Liberty doesn’t have to raise city property taxes again. Other costs will be involved, yet to be determined.

Please, not another county bailout for the city of Liberty. You may remember the last city of

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Going from ‘me’ to ‘we’

“For to love God is to keep His commands…” 1 John 5:3

As humanity turns from God, hearts become hardened and indifferent to His Spirit. The siren call of the world, its vanities and distractions pulls humanity further into darkness and destruction. A clear sign of this darkness is unconstrained

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Losing friends

I’d heard that once we seniors reach a certain age, we start losing people — friends, acquaintances, other senior relatives — they start dying one by one. I’d reached my age unscathed by much of that loss, and was happy to consider that it might

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