
Category Archives: Opinions

Mother’s Day without mama

Most people have already lost their mother by the time they’re my age, I suppose.

So I’m thankful that I had 70 years with mine.

I don’t know if having had her gentle and loving presence in my life for so long makes it easier or harder to face Mother’s Day without her for the first time.

Mama left us on April 8, the day the sun hid its face

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Christ is interceding on your behalf today

Some individuals are healthier than others, but the uncomfortable facts reveal the human body is generally frail and vulnerable. I occasionally joke around with my Son-in-law about him being from another planet because he claims he’s never been sick, however, like the rest of us, there will come a day when something will go wrong. As a minister, I’ve seen my share of sickness and pain and

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Letters to the Editor 5-8-24

Primary voting notes

Dear Editor,

I read the official “Notice of Elections” from the Registration and Election department in the Pickens Courier a couple of weeks ago. A lot of fine print there.

A few points to keep in mind. June 11 is a primary election. There is a Democrat ballot and a Republican ballot. When you go to vote the poll managers will ask, which primary do you want to

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The beard mystique

Why do men shave their heads and then grow a big, bushy beard that covers the bottom half of their face? It’s like they are looking at you upside-down.

Beards have always been a touchy subject. In the Middle Ages, if you touched man’s beard without permission, you could be challenged to a duel.

Men’s beards have been growing in and out of fashion for thousands of years. Trends in men’s facial hair have waxed and waned over the centuries. Clean-shaven faces

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Lynda has her Daddy’s eyes and mustache. She can be reached at


Courier Letters to the Editor 5-1-24


I see that Jeff Duncan has decided not to seek another term as third district representative in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Several folks have announced their intention to run in the Republican primary.

Question 1: Will any of these candidates be an independent thinker and have the guts not to be beholden to the 45th president and the MAGA

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Aftermath of the storms

About the time that I’d decided I needed a major shopping trip to replenish food and supplies, along came two back-to-back winter storms. The winds knocked out power, which took out the freezer and dairy sections of all the local stores, which meant they had to throw away all the frozen and cold foods: milk, eggs, butter, cheeses, everything.

Then, of course, trucks struggled to get through all the downed limbs and damage

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Avoiding a foreclosure with VA help

At the end of May, the Department of Veterans Affairs will start a new program called VASP, Veterans Affairs Servicing Purchase, to help over 40,000 veterans stay in their homes when facing foreclosure.

If you have a VA home loan, and if you’re active duty, a veteran or a surviving spouse, you could be eligible for help through VASP if you’re in serious financial trouble. VASP will come in and buy out your loan, modify it and then handle it as a direct VA loan. One of the best parts is that you’ll get a fixed

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‘Galloping Grant’ and rocketing Roadsters

The perception that men tend to speed, tailgate and make rude gestures at other drivers has been confirmed by data gathered by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Women, it seems, have a tendency for running red lights when they are late for an appointment.

In 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the U.S., was caught speeding in his horse-drawn carriage. He was

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The armor of God and the belt of truth

Have you considered that most individuals are convinced that what they believe is true, and all who disagree with them are not as wise as they are? What is your personal view about this?

May I ask, where did you discover your truth? Did God speak truth to you, or were you just persuaded by what someone else believes? If knowledge was passed on to you from those you respect, how do you

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Couier Letters to the Editor 4-24-24

Open letter to the Pickens Co. Planning Commission

Dear Pickens County Planning Commission

c/o Chairman Gary Stancell,

In regards to the Blue Valley RV Park on Mile Creek Road, the county conference room was so packed, the March meeting had to be moved. Ultimately, there were no seats left, but only standing room.

Despite having the right to speak our individual thoughts, we were asked not to repeat what others had already said. We, gracefully, respected that request. It seems, though, we needed to repeat ourselves since some commissioners

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