Category Archives: Opinions
Walking is beneficial
We need to move more. They call it an inactive lifestyle when we get very little exercise and do a lot of sitting. Whether we’re sitting in front of a computer, or watching TV, or even riding in a car for long hours, sitting is sitting, and too much of it isn’t good for us.
Here are just a few medical problems that can come from too
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Gas costs how much?
Nobody likes inflation, especially if it is your waistline that is inflating from eating too many sugary donuts. Waistline inflation is caused from eating too many donuts. Economic inflation is caused from spending too much money to buy those donuts. When demand is high and the money supply
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An optimist chooses to see life differently
The older we are, the more we can see how the world has changed. The Bible reveals the human race fell from God’s favor when Adam and Eve decided to disobey God in the Garden. Since that separation curse, all humans are now born with a depraved nature. Our spirits and minds can be transformed through God’s power, but this does not
mean the optimist ignores reality or has blind faith. So how can we regain a positive attitude and discover restored spiritual security with our Creator? For those who are truth seekers, God’s word explains the problem of sin, and also reveals the solution is found in Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life.
Whatever your political and theological views, we can agree there is much concern about what is happening around the world and where we are headed as a civilization. We have the Middle-East conflicts that often include Israel, an upcoming presidential election in the fall, and the Christian community predicting the coming of Christ will be soon, just to name a few. A troubling aspect of many people’s disagreements is how they base their opinions on what someone else has told them instead of researching for themselves. Since God knows everything, the best solutions for every problem is to listen to Him, but rarely is this mentioned or sought after.
Amid our worries about the cultural moral decline, advancing artificial intelligence, and our family’s future, everything is not all gloom and doom. God is moving and miracles are being seen all around us. Like you, I read the editorial sections and watch the news, and mostly what I gather is someone repeating over and over how bad everything is. However, we do not need to be bombarded with negativity about how the world is falling apart at the seams. We need to hear that God created all things, and is in total control of everything! We have the choice to jump on the bandwagon of fear, or we can decide to be an agent of change and make a positive difference.
Isn’t it refreshing to know that all is not lost and we can shine for God as bright as we desire? Perspective is a keyword to consider because it allows us to discern and think carefully about what has been said. When someone relays a story, we should remember they are relaying a view of what they believe. For example, when we hear that no one can be trusted in our government and how society is evolving into a majority of mindless zombies, we should realize this is a “glass half empty” view. In reality, many kindhearted and loving individuals are demonstrating what Christ died for them to be. This is not the hour to give up and hang our harps on the willow trees. It’s a day to examine our hearts and choose to obey and fulfill our calling because we love God.
Each day we maneuver our way through the daily grind while trying to maintain our sanity at the same time. Nonetheless, let us be reminded that if we are going to be an information sponge, we should be careful how we interpret what we absorb. Yes, the masses have serious problems, but we should not burn down the forest just to get rid of poison ivy. Everyone is not evil or a dangerous liberal, and neither is every member of the modern generation brainwashed with humanism. No matter what the majority deems politically correct, as Christians we are to be helping build God’s Kingdom with love. This includes praying for those who have yet to meet God. There is a huge difference between spectators who do a lot of complaining and participators who spend their time and energy trying to accomplish God’s will.
May we examine our convictions carefully and be willing to accept and follow God’s truth that sets us free from sin and gives us peace and joy. Be encouraged, the darkness of discouragement will never overcome the eternal light of God’s compassion and mercy. Instead of pointing out all the people who do not care, we could start identifying and appreciating those who do. What will you decide? May we scrutinize our convictions and intentions and be willing to listen and embrace the Alpha and Omega who is, who was, and who is to come.
Dr. Holland lives in Central Kentucky with his wife Cheryl, where he is a Christian author, ordained minister, worship leader, and community chaplain. To read more visit:
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Courier Letters to the Editor
Update on Upcountry Fiber
To the Editor,
Most of you the Pickens Courier story entitled, “Upcountry Fiber receives federal grant”. Blue Ridge Electric/ UpCountry Fiber received a $12 million federal grant to push-out its internet service in Pickens County. In total, Blue Ridge will invest $40 to $50 million in Pickens County
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building out its high speed internet service and lay over 2,000 miles of fiber in our county.
First, I want to thank the Blue Ridge Co-op’s board, its managers and all its employees for all the work they’ve done in the Pickens area. A very large majority of the area now has this lightening fast internet service. Pickens was the most under-served area of the county and turned out to be one of the first on the list. Thank you.
Reading the article, most of the focus with this next phase will be in Six Mile in 2024, then Liberty in 2025 and the rest of Dacusville.
Representing the Pickens area, the questions I get pertain to the un-served areas that remain in my district. One area is Walhalla Highway, both above and below the highway. As I wrote before the substations in the Pickens area are at AR Lewis and Holly Springs schools, Tally Bridge Rd and Highway 11, Griffin Church on Highway 8 and at the School District Administration building.
Blue Ridge will focus on getting the substation at Ponderosa Park in Six Mile up and running and then build another at Gap Hill Road (just west of SC 133). Those substations and their fiber lines are scheduled to be installed by the end of 2024. This will primarily light up Six Mile, greater Six Mile, and the Mountain View area with high speed internet. However, these stations will also reach the western part of my district along Walhalla Highway – areas like Mile Creek Rd, Brandy Lane, Stephens Road and others.
On the other side of my district, out Glassy Mountain way, soon they will start work to light up Chinquapin Road. Other spots in that area will depend on the demand and whether or not Blue Ridge Electric serves that area. (Don’t shoot the messenger on this, as I am just relaying what I’m learning.)
Also keep in mind, if your area is not served by Blue Ridge Electric and it doesn’t have Blue Ridge infra-structure in place, it is unlikely the service will make it out your way in this phase of the project. If you want the service and are on the Blue Ridge grid, go to and put in your address to let them know you want the service. Demand also plays a role as well.
Alex Saitta
Pickens, SC
Safety amidst Spring cleaning
It’s time to begin my annual spring cleaning, and this year it’s going to be a bit different. Instead of just sticking with the window cleaning, closet organizing and dryer vent vacuuming type of activities, I’m going to concentrate on safety.
Grab bar in the shower: I’m going to bite the
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No ‘one-size fits all’
Service-connected injuries and conditions for which you can receive compensation can be either physical or mental. But there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to how much compensation you can receive. Whether it’s hearing loss or depression, or cancer or PTSD, each one has a
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Takeaways don’t always go according to plan
In 1920, the taverns ran dry. The 18th Amendment, also called the Volstead Act, was passed by the U.S. Congress, and the amendment was ratified by three-quarters of the nation’s states, despite a veto from President Woodrow Wilson (bless his heart). It was never illegal to “consume” alcohol
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Control your thoughts, or they will control you
We all know the feeling of having something on our minds that we have a difficult time letting go of. Similar to an image or a catchy song that gets stuck in our head, commonly called an earworm, negative thoughts can be very difficult to remove and the more we replay them the more familiar they
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Courier Letters to the Editor 4-10-24
Doing the impossible
Dear Editor,
There are some things in this world that are impossibilities. Here are just a few.
Dribble a football, whistle with your mouth full of cornbread. Find the beginning or ending of a circle. For that matter, find the end of a rainbow. Stop a cold cough from happening. Sneeze with your eyes open — well, maybe possible, but very difficult.
Remember what you ate for your evening meal several weeks ago, although you can remember
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VA by the numbers
The Department of Veterans Affairs has been going all out to provide expanded access to care to veterans. They’re calling it Access Sprints, and it means they’re scheduling more appointments at night and on weekends, as well as scheduling more veterans into their daily schedule.
The effort seems to be showing progress. Just this year
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