Category Archives: Opinions
To the ones who stand out in a good way
Have you ever known someone who you admired because of who they were? There is something special and refreshing to witness the light and love of Christ shining brightly in one of His children.
I know a sweet lady like this. I will not mention her name because she does not like the attention of anyone telling her how wonderful she is,
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Young Appalachian Musicians grateful
The Young Appalachian Musicians would like to extend our sincerest thank you to the South Carolina Arts Commission for its astounding generosity this year!
The South Carolina Arts Commission has been a constant partner to Young Appalachian Musicians and Preserving Our Southern Appalachian Music Inc. over the years. It is no secret, so many impactful programs would be nonexistent without their support. The South Carolina Arts Commission has given thousands to the betterment of the program this year, particularly in three impressive
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Courier Letters to the Editor 8-14-24
How many teens view book bans
Dear Editor,
Every single book written for teen readers deserves to be in the young adult section of our public libraries, not the adult section. Unfortunately, when books are constantly being challenged, teens lose the opportunity to find novels we love and resonate with.
Teenagers have free will, and we won’t read something we’re uncomfortable with. It’s better to learn our boundaries now, when we’re under our parents’ roofs, than later. And I guarantee whatever’s on phone screens can be much
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Finding senior discounts
There are more senior discounts available than we might have expected. We only have to find them!
Check AARP if you are a member. This is where I discovered that the Walmart Plus membership I use for delivery of groceries could be had for $20 less per year, because of my AARP membership.
Look through the AARP list by putting discounts in the search box. You’ll
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You are the caretaker of your mind
I read a book years ago by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale called, “The amazing results of positive thinking,” and I recommend it as an inspiration and encouragement to your spiritual life.
He explains that our mind is constantly bombarded with all types of persuasions and each of us are held accountable to manage them. We have the ability to resist and ignore the negative influences that distract
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August roars in
Leo the Lion roars into August, bringing hot, muggy temperatures punctuated by intermittent thunderstorms and threats of a hurricane.
This is not surprising, since Leo is a fire sign and is ruled by the sun. Keep it cool by wearing light, loose-fitting clothes, walk on the shady side of the street and cool off with a refreshing slice of watermelon. Aug. 3 was National Watermelon Day, but you can still eat watermelon all
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Courier Letters to the Editor 8-7-24
Higher priorities for COVID funding
Dear Editor,
I read the story about Pickens County Council giving $500,000 to the YMCA. I did not vote for this, and I want to explain why.
In 2021, the federal government gave the Pickens County government $23.4 million. Departments within the county government made $66 million of requests for that COVID relief money. In the end, the county spent millions on things like blue bins at the recycle centers ($187,000), a countywide radio system for police, fire and EMS ($10.3 million), a shredder for the landfill ($900,000), bonuses for first responders and essential staff who worked through
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Fight the heat
When cooling centers are opened up in our town, you know it’s brutally hot. It’s not something that’s usually done around here. But recent temperatures have been shocking for our area.
I made a tour of the cooling stations one afternoon, fully expecting them to
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Focus on the invisible, not the impossible
Stop for a moment and closely observe this trial you’ve been going through.
When you are wounded and perplexed, it seems all you can think about is the pain, but within this raging battle, ask yourself (and be honest) if you’re focusing more on the circumstance than on God, who has all the answers. Ask and allow Him to heal your heart.
This situation will not last forever and after a period of suffering the time will come to crawl back to your knees, stand up, dust
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Courier Letters to the Editor 7-31-24
Believe in yourself and look up
Dear Editor,
I came into this world screaming and kicking many years ago! I brought nothing with me, and I have most of it left!
Never became famous, but I am loved by many around me. Never became rich, but I have things that can’t be bought with all of the money in the world. Things like good times I spent with those who loved me. They have brightened my
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