Clemson player faces reckless driving charge

Police: July wreck left mail carrier with ‘severe injuries’
By Riley Morningstar
and Greg Oliver
Courtesy The Journal
CLEMSON — Clemson football player Fred Davis turned himself in to police Sunday morning after being charged with reckless driving after authorities said he was driving 115 mph before hitting a U.S. Postal Service carrier last month.
Davis, 19, was booked in the city jail and released on a $500 personal recognizance bond after an investigation
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Current state law
Campos said current South Carolina law does not have an enhanced penalty for reckless driving that results in serious bodily injury, but the S.C. House of Representatives is looking to add “great bodily injury” as an enhancement.
CThese egregious and aggressive driving acts that result in serious injury to another need to have an appropriate penalty,T Campos said in a statement. In most cases, the injured suffer much pain, multiple medical procedures, lengthy recovery times and whose freedom to live life injury free are taken from them. The offender, especially if they are not hurt, currently only have a few hurdles to navigate and get to live life freely, while the injured do not.”
Campos said with advances in modern medicine, many injuries do not meet the definition of “great bodily injury.” He is advocating for a more inclusive definition for the enhanced penalty.
“The legislature’s current proposed bill is a step in the right direction, but will not account for serious injuries that are not permanent,” Campos said.
Court date scheduled
A Clemson Municipal Court official told The Journal on Monday afternoon Davis is scheduled to appear before a judge on Sept. 1. If he requests a jury trial, the official said it will happen at a “much later date” due to a backlog in cases. | (864) 973-6685 | (864) 973-6687