County council honors American Legion Post 52

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Pickens County Council members helped members of American Legion Post 52 celebrate a milestone anniversary earlier this year.
During their March 2 meeting, before the COVID-19 pandemic forced the alteration of public meetings around the country, council members unanimously passed a resolution recognizing Post 52’s 75th anniversary.
Following the vote, chairman Roy Costner read aloud the resolution, which recognizes the post for “75 years of service in Pickens County.”
Members of the post joined council as Costner read the resolution.
“This is really an exciting time,” he said.
The American Legion, the country’s largest veteran service organization, “assists veterans, mentors youth, provides college scholarships and improves communities,” Costner said.
American Legion Post 52 was activated in 1945 in Easley, emphasizing service in the community, state and nation, the resolution said.
“Post 52 has been in the forefront of working with the youth of the community through sponsoring and being active in projects such as the American Legion Junior Baseball, Boy Scouts, Boys State, Oratorical Contest and citizenship award to Junior and Senior High School students,” Costner read.
Post 52 has been “welcoming veterans from all branches of our Armed Forces for 75 yeas and will continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country for years to come,” the resolution said.
Post 52 Commander Bones Wilson thanked the county for the recognition.
“It’s a great honor and we appreciate it,” he said.
Post 52 is open “to all veterans,” Wilson said.
American Legion membership is now open to all veterans who served from Jan 1, 1941, “until today,” he said.
“All veterans with an honorable discharge and their DD 214 (form) are welcome to join The American Legion and we would love to have you,” Wilson said.
Easley City Council presented a proclamation recognizing Post 52’s 75th anniversary during its March 9 meeting.