
Courier Calendar of Events

• Gillespie reunion planned for Oct. 5

The 66th Gillespie reunion will be Sunday, Oct. 5, at 11:45 a.m. at the Balsam Grove Community Center in Balsam Grove, N.C. Each family is asked to bring a well-filled basket and drink of your choice. Plates, cups napkins and silverware will be provided, also ice will be provided.

• PHS Craft Fair needs vendors

 A craft fair will be held at Pickens High School on Nov. 1 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Cost for a 10×10 vendor booth will be $10. Email for an application. Money and applications are due by Oct. 20.

• Elljean Baptist to host homecoming

 Elljean Baptist Church invites everyone to come to the annual homecoming on Sept. 28. The event will feature a special message by the Rev. Brandon Wimpey. Elljean Baptist Church is located at 605 Elljean Road in Easley.

• Mt. Bethel UMC to host annual revival

 Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church will hold a revival Sept. 29 through Oct. 1. Preaching will be the Rev. Danny Wiley each night at 7 p.m. The church is located at 126 Mt. Bethel Church Rd., Sunset. Everyone is invited.

• Chappell reunion planned for Sept. 28

Family and friends of the late J.C. (Came) and Elizabeth Patterson Chappell are invited to their annual family reunion on Sunday, Sept. 28, at the Holly Springs Baptist Church Fellowship Building in Pickens.

Bring a well-filled basket and come enjoy the food and fellowship. Lunch will be served around 1:30 p.m. Donations will be taken for use of the building and utensils.

• Homecoming set for Shady Grove

 Homecoming day will be held at Shady Grove Baptist Church in Sunset this Sunday, Sept. 28 with Rev. Joe Pace as guest speaker for morning worship. Dinner will be served in the fellowship building at 12:30 p.m.

• Ellenburg/Lewis reunion planned

 Anthony B. and Evelyn Ellenburg, Lewis Reunion will be held at Mt. Sinai Church Fellowship Building on Oct. 5. Everyone is welcome. Please bring a filled basket.

• Amazing Grace to hold homecoming

 Amazing Grace Fellowship, located at 229 Pearl St. in Pickens, will be having a homecoming service on Sunday, Oct. 5. Soul Vision, from Hendersonville, N.C., will be the special singers at 10:15 a.m. Rev. Roland Bearden will be the morning speaker.

• Sertoma Club invites locals to meet

The Clemson Sertoma Club invites all interested local residents to attend its meetings. The club meets at noon the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Occasions at Wedgefield, located at 1551 Eighteen Mile Road in Central.

New visitors are always welcome. Those interested are asked to call Randy Shaw at (864) 423-5469.