
Courier Classifieds 5-1-13


Do you own an antique or modern U.S. or foreign military vehicle? If so, “I WANT YOU” to join our veterans club, USMTM, please email for info: TFC
AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-367-2513. SW
MEDICAL CAREERS begin here – Train ONLINE for Allied Health and Medical Management. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 888-220-3872 SW
DIVORCE WITH OR WITHOUT CHILDREN $125.00. Includes name change and property settlement agreement. SAVE hundreds. Fast and easy. Call 1-888-733-7165, 24/7. SW
MEDICAL OFFICE TRAINEES NEEDED! Train for a career in Healthcare Management! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Advanced College gets you job ready! HS Diploma/GED & PC/Internet needed. 1-888-528-5176. SW
FAST LOAN Up To $5000. Clear title on your vehicle? Easy title loan online! Click or call. 1-800-287-0251. ` SW
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 is the last day to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Game: (557) EMERALD GREEN. SW
ADOPTION – Happily married, nature-loving couple wishes to adopt a baby. We promise love, laughter, education, and security. Expenses paid. (Se habla espanol.) 1-800-965-5617. SW
A SODA/SNACK VENDING ROUTE Prime Locations Available $8,995 Investment Required Guaranteed Cash Flow 1-800-367-6709 ext 16 Reg#333. SW

Help Wanted

NOW HIRING: Companies desperately need employees to assemble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500 weekly potential. $48.95 info. 1-985-646-1700 Dept. SC-2794. SW
ADVERTISE YOUR DRIVER JOBS in 105 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 2.6 million readers. Call Jimmie Haynes at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377. SW
DRIVERS… Apply Now, 13 Drivers Needed Top 5% Pay & Benefits Class A CDL Required 877-258-8782 SW
Experienced OTR Flatbed Drivers earn 50 up to 55 cpm loaded. $1000 sign on to Qualified drivers. Home most weekends. Call: 843-266-3731 / EOE. SW
CRST offers the Best Lease Purchase Program! SIGN ON BONUS. No Down Payment or Credit Check. Great Pay. Class-A CDL required. Owner Operators Welcome! Call: 866-622-1249. SW
CLASS-A -CDL FLATBED DRIVERS NEEDED! Local, regional, OTR. Great pay package/benefits/401k match. 1yr exp. required. Call JGR 864-679-1551, Greenville and Gaffney SC locations. SW
Drivers – Flatbed & Heavy Haul Owner Operators/Fleet Owners. Consistent year round freight. Avg $1.70 – 2.00 all miles. No forced dispatch. Apply online or call 877-533-8684. SW
AVERITT OFFERS CDL-A DRIVERS a Strong, Stable, Profitable Career. Experienced Drivers and Recent Grads – Excellent Benefits. Weekly Hometime. Paid Training. 888-362-8608 Equal Opportunity Employer. SW
Gypsum Express. Regional Hauls for Flatbed Company Driver. Terminal in Georgetown. Ask about Performance Bonus that started April 1st & more. Melissa 866-317-6556 x6 or SW
Owner Operator: Experienced CDL-A Owner Operators Wanted. $2,000 Solo Sign-On Incentive & $5,000 Team Sign-On Incentive. Long Haul Freight. Competitive Pay Package. Paid loaded and empty miles. Also hiring Company Teams. Call 866-937-7803 or apply online at SW
COMPANY DRIVER: Solo and Team OTR Lanes. Sign-On Incentive: Solos – $2000 & Teams – $5000. Competitive Pay. Great Hometime. CDL-A with 1 year OTR and Hazmat end. 888-705-3217 or apply online at SW
Company Drivers: $2500 Sign-On Bonus! Super Service is hiring solo and team drivers. Excellent hometime options. CDL-A required. Call 888-441-9358 or apply online at SW
SUPERIOR TRANSPORTATION 3yrs Flatbed or Stepdeck & Class-A CDL = GUARANTEED SALARY +EXTRA PAY FOR WEEKENDS, Uniforms, Good Benefits. Call Craig 800-736-9486 Ext 266 For Details! SW
LAID OFF? PLANT CLOSING? Need that new job? Call Xtra Mile & enroll in CDL Class-A training today! 1-866-484-6313 / SW

Yard Sales

YARD SALE:  Saturday, May 4 at 317 Garvin Street, Pickens.

For Sale

DISH Network. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-877-617-0765. SW
Highspeed Internet EVERYWHERE By Satellite! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dial-up.) Starting at $49.95/mo. CALL NOW & GO FAST! 1-888-708-2124. SW
SAVE on Cable TV-Internet-Digital Phone-Satellite. You`ve Got A Choice! Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! CALL Today. 866-396-9751. SW
FOR SALE: 4 a joining plots; Hillcrest Mem. Pickens. 251-943-2777. 4/24, 5/1



ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION in 112 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 2.6 million readers. Call Jimmie Haynes at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377. SW


Grass Mowing and Weekly Trash Pick up resonable rates. Pickens / Six Mile Area call 864-508-2487 . TFC

For Rent

FOR RENT: 1 BR Apt on Bethlehem Ridge Rd., No Pets, 864-451-3931. 5/1

FOR RENT: Mobile home. Call 878-7289. 5/1
ADVERTISE YOUR VACATION PROPERTY to more than 2.6 million South Carolina newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in 112 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Call Jimmie Haynes at the South Carolina Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377. SW
FOR SALE OR LEASE: 509 – 511 West Main St. 2 nice buildings. Nice corner lot, formally Pickens Flower Shop. Building No. 2 could be beauty shop, bakery, car lot or office space. Call 864-878-2281 or 864-506-1719. TFC

Land For Sale

OWNER FINANCE 6.17 Acres +/- Creek on back of property Approx. 405′ of road frontage $49,900.00 Call (864)907-1002. TFC
OWNER FINANCE: 2.84 Acres +/- Creek on back of property Approx. 180′ of road frontage $24,900.00 Call (864)907-1002. TFC

Homes For Sale

Mobile Homes with land. Ready to move in. Owner financing with approved credit. 3Br 2Ba. No renters. 803-454-2433. SW