Courier Legals 2-18-15
By virtue of an Order of Foreclosure in the Court of Common Pleas for Pickens County, South Carolina, granted in the case of Ermiena M. Miles vs. Bobby Owens a/k/a Bobby M. Owens a/k/a Bobby M. Owens, Jr., et al., Daniel E. Hunt, Special Referee for Pickens County will sell on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 11 o’clock a.m. at the Pickens County Courthouse, Pickens, South Carolina, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to-wit:
“All those certain pieces, parcels or lots of land, with any and all improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Pickens, being shown and designated as “Tract 1”, containing 0.80 acres, AND “Tract 2”, containing 0.52 acres, according to plat entitled “Survey for Ermiena M. Miles”,prepared by Jay Dunn Land Surveyor, dated July 15, 2013 and recorded July 24, 2013 in the Pickens County Register of Deeds Office in Plat Book 599 at Page 42, incorporated herein by reference, and having such metes and bounds as are more particularly described thereon.”
This is the same property conveyed to Bobby Owens and Dawn Owens by deed of Ermiena M. Miles individually and as Trustee, dated November 1, 2013 and recorded November 12, 2013 at the Register of Deeds Office for Pickens County, South Carolina in Deed Book 1564 at page 37.
TERMS OF SALE: CASH to the highest bidder, other than plaintiff, with 5% of the successful bid due in cash or certified check as a deposit at the conclusion of the sale. The successful bidder shall comply with his bid within (20) days after the sale or the deposit shall be forfeited, applied to costs first and Plaintiff’s attorney fee next, and the property shall be resold at a subsequent Sales Day at the risk of the defaulting bidder. The Purchaser shall pay any current or delinquent property taxes thereon and the cost of the deed, stamps and recording.
Deficiency judgment being demanded, the bidding will not close on the Sales Day, but will remain open for a period of 30 days from the date of the sale. Plaintiff reserves the right to waive the request for a deficiency judgment up to and including the date of the sale. Bidding will reopen on April 1, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at the Office of the Special Referee.
If Plaintiff or its representative does not appear at the Sale, then the sale shall be postponed. The foreclosure deed is not a warranty deed. Neither Plaintiff nor its attorney make any representations to third parties as to the status of the title to the property. Prospective purchasers should consult an attorney and examine the title to the property being sold.
Daniel E. Hunt,
Special Referee
Feb. 5, 2015
Robinson Law Firm, P.A.
Attorney for Plaintiff
P.O. Box 738
Easley, S.C. 29641
Feb. 11, 18, 25
CASE # 2014-CP-39-1493
CASE # 2014-LP-39-335
Pickens Savings and Loan Association, F.A. Plaintiff, vs- Monica Lynn Aiken, individually, and as Personal Representative of the Estate of Melinda Pilgrim Davis, deceased, Phillip G. Pilgrim, Austin Derrick Gilstrap Christy Brooks, a/k/a Melinda Christine Aiken Zinc; Asset Acceptance, LLC; Citibank, NA; Mike Aiken, Phillips & Cohen Associates; Verizon Wireless; and all other Persons unknownb claiming thru Melinda Pilgrim Davis, deceased,any right,title, estate, interest in or lien on the real estate described in the Complaint; being as a class designated as John Doe, and any such unknown infants or persons under disability or in the military service being as a class designated as Richard Roe; South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. Defendants
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced and is now pending before this Court upon Complaint of the above named Plaintiff against the above named Defendant for foreclosure) of the following described Mortgage:
1. Mortgage from Melinda Pilgrim Davis to Pickens Savings and Loan Association, F.A., in the original principle sum of $36,000.00, dated September 11, 2012, and recorded September 19, 2012 in Mortgage Book 4516 at Page 350 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Pickens County, South Carolina.
The real estate which is the subject of this action is described as follows:
“ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying, situate and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Pickens, and being shown and designated as Lots 35 and 36 as shown on a survey prepared by T. H. Walker, Jr., PLS #3812, dated March 20, 1997, and recorded on July 25, 2001 and having such courses, distances, metes and bounds as will be shown by reference to said plat recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Pickens County in Plat Book 426 at Page 8.”
ALSO: one 1994 27X56 Horton Mobile Home, Serial Number H10G085GLR, titled to Melinda Pilgrim (Davis).
This conveyance also includes the right of ingress and egress over any common areas or roads as shown on the referenced plats, surveys or property descriptions located in the subdivision with the right to transfer this right of ingress and egress to any subsequent purchaser.
This being the identical property conveyed unto Melinda Pilgrim by deed of Larry E. Anderson, et al., dated December 19, 2007, and recorded December 20, 2007, in Deed Book 1155 at page 317, Pickens County records.
TMS #4151-00-98-1709
Property Address: 104 Eugene Road, Pickens, S.C. 29671
Attorney for Plaintiff
P. O. Box 1389
Pickens, SC 29671
(864) 878-2124
SC Bar #2800
December 11, 2014
Pickens, South Carolina
Feb. 11, 18, 25
CASE # 2014-CP-39-1493
Pickens Savings and Loan Association, F.A. Plaintiff, vs- Monica Lynn Aiken, individually, and as Personal Representative of the Estate of Melinda Pilgrim Davis, deceased, Phillip G. Pilgrim, Austin Derrick Gilstrap Christy Brooks, a/k/a Melinda Christine Aiken Zinc; Asset Acceptance, LLC; Citibank, NA; Mike Aiken, Phillips & Cohen Associates; Verizon Wireless; and all other Persons unknown claiming thru Melinda Pilgrim Davis, deceased,any right,title, estate, interest in or lien on the real estate described in the Complaint; being as a class designated as John Doe, and any such unknown infants or persons under disability or in the military service being as a class designated as Richard Roe; South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. Defendants
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to answer the Complaint in this matter, a copy of which was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Pickens County, and to serve a copy of your Answer thereto upon the subscriber, R. Murray Hughes,III, at his office located at 4606 Moorefield Memorial Highway, Suite 3, (P.O. Box 1389) Pickens, South Carolina, 29671, within thirty (30) days from the date of service hereof upon you. If you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court, above named, for judgment by default to be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the within Complaint.
YOU WILL FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to answer the foregoing Summons, the Plaintiff will move for a general Order of Reference in this case to the Special Referee for this Court, which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53 of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a final judgment in this case and any appeal from the final judgment entered herein to be made directly to the South Carolina Supreme Court or Court of Appeals as appropriate.
R. Murray Hughes
Attorney for Plaintiff
P.O. Box 1389
Pickens, SC 29671
S. C. Bar #2800
December 11, 2014
Pickens, South Carolina
Feb. 11, 18, 25
CASE No. 2014-CP-39-1493
Pickens Savings and Loan Association, F.A., Plaintiff, vs. Monica Lynn Aiken, individually, and as Personal Representative of the Estate of Melinda Pilgrim Davis, deceased, Phillip G. Pilgrim, Austin Derrick Gilstrap Christy Brooks, a/k/a Melinda Christine Aiken Zinc; Asset Acceptance, LLC; Citibank, NA; Phillips & Cohen Associates; Verizon Wireless; and all other Persons unknown claiming thru Melinda Pilgrim Davis, deceased, any right, title, estate, interest in or lien on the real estate described in the Complaint; being as a class designated as John Doe, and any such unknown infants or persons under disability or in the military service being as a class designated as Richard Roe; South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. Defendants
Upon reading the attached Affidavit, it appears to my satisfaction that this is a proper case in which service may be had upon Defendants by publication as authorized by 15-9-730 and 15-9-720 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina (1976).
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that the Lis Pendens, Summons and Notice and Service by Publication shall be published in Pickens County Courier, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Pickens, South Carolina, once a week, on the same day of each week, for a period of three consecutive weeks, said publication being hereby designated as the one most likely to give notice to said Defendants. Any Defendants having a last known address shall be mailed a copy of the Summons and Complaint certified mail\restricted delivery.
/s/Alexander S. Macaulay #2063
February 3, 2015
Feb. 11, 18, 25
Public Hearing Notice
The Oolenoy Watershed Conservation District will host a public hearing at 6:00 PM on March 5, 2015 at the Pickens Soil and Water Conservation District office at 144 McDaniel Avenue in Pickens. The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment on the 2016 budget. The District had no revenues in 2015. The proposed 2016 budget is $12,698 which will be a 2.1 mil tax rate.
Feb. 18, 25
The Pickens County Planning Commission will meet in a work session on Monday, March 9, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the main conference room at the Pickens County Administration Facility, 222 McDaniel Avenue, Pickens, SC.
After the work session, the monthly Planning Commission meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the same location. The following cases will have a public hearing at this meeting:
1. LU-15-002 Proposed 195’ monopole telecommunications tower land use request for Beacon Towers-FL, LLC. Located at 902 Slickum Rd, Easley.
Tax Map# 5141-03-00-5304
2. SDV-15-001 Subdivision variance request to allow one additional lot off of a legal, non-conforming Private Road. Site is located at 217 Greer Drive, Six Mile.
Tax Map# 4131-00-40-6363
More information for each case is available in the Planning office in the Department of Community Development and is open for public inspection during regular business hours. If any member of the public requires special assistance please call 864-898-5956.
Feb. 18