Courier Letters to the editor 12-7-16

The Pickens County Courier gladly accepts letters to the Editor. Letters must be no longer than 500 words. All letters must be signed, including first and last name, address and phone number in order to be considered for publication. Only the name and city where you reside will be printed. Submission does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to edit for content and length. No slanderous or obscene material will be accepted. Letters to the Editor and columns do not necessarily the Courier’s opinion. Send letters to
God’s answer to prayer
Dear Editor,
This election we have just come through has been a trying and trusting time. The direction and path we have been on is not one God was and is not pleased with. We have left God out of our lives (even Christians) and done that which we feel right or good about. Of course the non-Christian has never had God in their lives.
God says in HIS word that in the end times it will be as it was in the days of Noah. The world was so wicked God destroyed the world by a flood. Only Noah and his family were saved. I believe Christians have and did pray for our nation, and God spared our nation of going over the cliff one more time politically and in our relationship with him. I pray for his continued mercy on our sinful nation and world. We pray for his blessing and he has abundantly blessed us. How much longer will he do so?
We find in many passages of scripture of his blessing and prosperity for us. Psalms 84:11, Matthew 6:33, Leviticus 26:4-5. Many verses of scripture strengthen us, and help us along this path in life. This world is not our home, we are only passing through. God is not dead; he is alive in the heart of each Christian. Let us be bold and stand up for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He gave his life that we might have life. Praise the Lord. My favorite verse in scripture is Philippians 3:10 — that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.
May God bless our nation as we pray and work to a return of what our nation has been in the past.
Max Wilson
A letter of regret
Dear Editor,
This letter is addressed to my friends, especially those who honored my mother’s memory with a donation to the Pickens County Museum.
This is a letter of apology to you. If I had had any idea that the donations you made to the museum were being used for purposes other than enhancing the museum and its programs, I never would have suggested it when my mother passed away. She loved our little museum and was a member for years ,even though she lived in Florida. When she would visit me, it always pleased her to see what was going on at the museum. And when she was unable to visit the museum after she had moved to South Carolina, she talked about what a wonderful addition to the Pickens community it was. Therefore, I believed suggesting a donation in lieu of flowers would have pleased her.
Shame on the county council for allowing money donated to the museum to be used for purposes other than the intended ones. Hopefully the new council members will have a stronger moral compass when it comes to managing our county’s money.
With regret,
Jan Sparks