
Courier Letters to the Editor

Why not help schools?

Dear Editor,

Briefly but seriously, I would like to make a plea for more funds to be raised to support our Pickens County schools. After reading the various local newspaper articles citing the pros and cons of raising real estate taxes to support our schools (teachers’ salaries, building maintenance and updating our computer labs), I am baffled as to just why our taxing system for schools has not kept up to date with higher food costs, goods and services increases and various other cost increases on day-to-day purchases.

Recently, board member Judy Edwards raised the possibility of a tax increase of 2.8 mills, which she called a compromise from the maximum of 4.6 mills allowed.

I am a senior living on a limited budget in a modest home in Liberty with one car. I probably can’t afford higher real estate taxes, but for the sake of the future of the county, which will mostly consist of those pupils currently in our public schools, I would be willing to “pay my fair share.”

Whether or not homeowners are without children to educate, somewhere in the past there were citizens who paid for our education.

My grandchildren are living proof of the excellence of the Pickens County schools — now two Clemson University students, one of whom was a valedictorian at Pickens High School and the other graduating summa cum laude from Clemson. I witnessed their education in our schools from kindergarten through high school, noting the great teachers, sports, music and various other extracurricular activities offered.

I really can’t see any reason why any homeowner is unwilling to pay a few more dollars for the good of our schools, county and state.

Betty Eisemann Juberg


Thank you to Hiott

Dear Editor,

This week, State Rep. Davey Hiott, chairman of the House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee, listened to farmers during a bill hearing about surface water withdrawal. Thank you, Chairman Hiott, for advocating for our farmers.

Agriculture has such a large economic impact on our state that we must keep it in mind when making decisions at the statehouse. We must think like farmers when making decisions that will affect farmers. Regulations like this would undoubtedly harm the industry. In fact, in the past when permitting has been required, it has quite literally stopped agriculture in its tracks. Farmers across the state thank you, Chairman Hiott, for defending farmers against this harmful legislation.

I would also like to thank Chairman Hiott for his continued service and leadership in Columbia. Taking on the role of committee chairman requires much time and responsibility — thank you for your dedication to serving the entire state. And thank you for your dedication to South Carolina farmers.

George Bryant

Pickens County Farm Bureau President


Thank you from Holly Springs PTO

Dear Editor,

On May 2, Holly Springs Elementary School held its annual golf tournament fundraiser at Bear Valley Golf Course. It was a huge success.

I want to thank the tournament committee for all their hard work, the businesses and individuals who donated prizes and the players who participated.

Our golf committee consisted of Darrell Duncan, Bob Fulmer, Bob Giblin, Audrey Gilstrap, Dave Gilstrap, Donna Harden, Jaime Horton, Ella Kelley, David Mathis and Matt Richter. Thanks to these folks for all of their hard work to help our PTO raise $5,500 to purchase new playground equipment for our children.

Tom Kelley

Holly Springs PTO president


Can you recognize socialism?

Dear Editor,

Two letters to the editor which were written by leaders of the Pickens County community sent up red flags to me recently.

One addressed elected leaders, complaining our government is not doing enough. It urged more government spending to improve recreation, increase job training, expand the Doodle Trail and improve our “quality” of life. The other called those disagreeing with bigger and more government intervention CAVE men (Citizens Against Virtually Everything) and insisted the government “invest” (with taxpayer funds) in everything from A to Z.

I’m not a CAVE woman! I am against looking to government to solve all my “wants.”

I am against property rights being stomped on in the name of “the common good.” I am against capitalism and the free markets being destroyed by over regulation by the government.

Look around us — governments at all levels have taken on too much control and they can’t even manage our tax dollars, from public education to veterans’ medical care to road maintenance.

A person has to be blind not to see that creeping socialism in the last 50 years is crippling our nation. It is piling up debt on our children and destroying our morals, not to mention trampling all over our Constitution. The more we ask government to do, the closer to communism’s evil twin sister socialism we get.

Socialism believes the government should be in control of almost every aspect of your life. Next time you read one of these letters, especially from the ones who identify themselves as Republicans, ask yourself — is this writer pushing a socialistic government-owned and operated venture or a capitalistic free-market venture?

As Thomas Jefferson said, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have.”

It boggles my mind there are still some who think even more government and paying more taxes is the solution.

If these writers are truly concerned about the quality of life in Pickens, then they should volunteer as a little league coach or make a donation to the YMCA. If they feel there is a need for even more job training, they should hire more people at their companies and train them or make a donation to a scholarship program for technical schools.

Stop looking to we the people’s wallets to supply your “wants” and grow bigger government!

Johnnelle Raines
