Courier Letters to the Editor 4-17-19
Thank a lineworker
Dear Editor,
The storms that hit our area Sunday did extensive damage across the Southeast region of the United States, resulting in death and destruction. One of the first things people think about during times like this is loss of electricity, which affects far more than comfort and convenience. Loss of power can have a tremendous adverse impact on life and safety for many people.
During these times, we also should remember the tens of thousands of dedicated lineworkers across the country who work tirelessly to maintain and restore electrical power to communities nationwide, often putting themselves in harm’s way.
April 18 is designated as National Lineman Appreciation Day, a day during which we remember and honor the dedicated, hardworking lineworkers who dedicate their lives to maintaining and restoring power in our communities. Storms, long hours and working in sky-high locations to install and
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