Courier Letters to the Editor 4-6-16
Reasons why people will go to church
Dear Editor,
A number of years ago, Southern Gospel group The Kingsmen had a hit with a song called “Excuses” about why people won’t go to church. It was so popular it became a crossover hit on the country stations.
With that in mind, I’d like to share what I call, “Reasons Why People Will Go To Church,” and it goes like this.
Well, they go because there’s a new preacher and they want to check him out. They heard there was going to be an argument known as a row.
The church is having a big dinner after service, must be there for that and how!
There’s a trip to the mountains planned by their Sunday school class. Don’t want to miss that!
It’s Halloween, and the church is handing candy out.
They themselves have purchased a new vehicle to show off. Perhaps married a new wife or husband, too.
They come to gather up gossip.
Young people come to see if they can get a date with another they’ve been eyeing.
They’re needing help with their power bill or need food from the food bank.
They’re hoping to make a buisness deal with someone who attends the church.
They’re running for some public office.
They’re putting on a front to look good for everyone to cover up their sorry life they think they’ve got hidden. That’s a laugh!
It’s winter, and lakes and parks are closed so they go just to have somewhere to go, and here they come. Spring comes and they become magicians — they pull a disappearing act.
It’s bingo night.
They’re in trouble and suddenly think they need to go to church, although it never mattered before and won’t when the trouble passes.
Their child or grandchild is involved in a play or some church activity.
They have a new baby to show off.
They were dragged to church since they were born, so it’s just a habit. A family tradition.
They need the sleep. Look around you this Sunday.
These are some of the reasons people will go to church. Sadly the real reasons to go are never considered by them.
Reasons such as going to thank God for his love and goodness.For giving his only begotten Son. To get a blessing. To fellowship with other believers. To worship God and be thankful they are allowed to freely worship Him.
What an ungrateful lot they are!
Eddie Boggs