Courier Letters to the Editor
On Easley’s sidewalks
Dear Editor,
Can nothing be done about the lack of sidewalks and buses in Easley? There are places I’d like to go, the public library for instance, but no bus, no go. Easley is like a rural area, but instead of animals and chickens, we have automobiles running around loose.
A visit to Ingles is painful for me because of spinal arthritis and sciatica. It takes 10 to 15 minutes each way, going down Powdersville Road. In the first few blocks, some sidewalks are good, and one is all cracked up. Across the road, there is a sidewalk that ends abruptly for no apparent reason.
The last two blocks to Ingles are large patches of grass, red mud, areas that look like dried-up mud puddles, culverts and other holes in the ground. That doesn’t even include those omnipresent evergreens. There’s a whole
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