
Courier Letters to the Editor 6-15-16

Now I lay me down to die

Dear Editor,

Three thousand four hundred abortions in America a day. With that in mind, I wrote the following.

Now I lay me down to die, no one will ever hear my silent cry. Now I lay me down to die.

Never asked to be conceived, America you have been so greatly deceived. Told I’m only a fetus, not human like you. Never will lay my precious head upon my mother’s breast. Never feel her warm loving arms around me or her gentle caress. My little ears never hear her sweet voice sing me to sleep with a lullaby. Never speak my first word, take my first step, laugh or with my sweet little face smile, coo or sigh. Now I lay me down to die, no one will ever hear my silent cry. now I lay me down to die.

Today it’s me, tomorrow the mentally challenged, physically impaired, elderly or perhaps even you.

Now I lay me down to die, no one will ever hear my silent cry. Now I lay me down to die. Now I lay me down to die.

Wake up and scream bloody murder, America!

Eddie Boggs
