
Courier Letters to the Editor 6-19-19

A winning plan for mill

Dear Editor,

I enjoy reading the articles and letters to the editor concerning the Hagood Mill. As the public becomes more educated on the issue, public participation in the process has grown, and hopefully this time the final decision by the council will have the public’s wishes in mind.

Most above Highway 183 want grassroots tourism supported by local volunteers, with the purpose of protecting our wildlife and natural resources, while putting forth the Appalachian heritage, its community and family traditions.

This has been at the heart of the conflict. For instance, they grind grits at the mill and sell them. The volunteers see the heritage in the 150-year-old grinding process, and their purpose is to preserve that tradition. Chairman Roy Costner, the county administration and much of the council see the dollars, and want to commercialize the mill at the expense of the heritage aspect.

The idea of turning over the operation and strategic planning of the mill to the local volunteers and the Hagood Mill board is a good

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