Courier Letters to the Editor 7-13-16
Financial conscience
Dear Editor,
I read the news story on the Pickens County 2016-17 school budget. It was very informative and comprehensive. I can’t help but think our elected leaders always put their best foot forward to the public. For instance, they told us all the things they were buying with our tax dollars, but seemed to leave out a few important details when it came to how they were paying for it all.
Then school board member Alex Saitta told the rest of the story, that school district savings are being wiped out and the district has eliminated 65 teaching positions. I know all these other things they are buying are helpful, but what is most important when it comes to education is teachers teaching students. Larger class sizes are harmful to students, and they would have never told us that.
Mr. Saitta has proven to be the financial conscience of the school board and the town crier for our county when it comes to the school board. Without him, God only knows what they’d be doing, and we’d never know about it.
Barry Myers