Courier Letters to the Editor 9-28-16
Do they listen?
Dear Editor,
The first amendment says the government should not establish a religion, and it cannot prohibit the free exercise of religion or religious expression.
It has always been important to the people of Pickens County that our elected representatives recognize government cannot infringe on a person’s right to pray, and we expect our representatives to publicly exercise that right themselves.
A non-sectarian prayer to a nameless “god” is not a prayer that is heard, according to my Bible.
I praise the school board for changing the official opening prayer to one that can be be said in Jesus’ name. All of the school board trustees deserve credit for making the change. However, I think Alex Saitta deserves a huge thank you.
Alex Saitta gave his advice to the other board members on this issue three months ago, and they ignored his plea. His effort was ridiculed by some as a political stunt. Time has proven that he was right and they were wrong. We could have been praying to Jesus much sooner had they listened.
It is refreshing to know Alex Saitta is an elected leader in Pickens that will stand up for Jesus and our Constitutional rights even when unjustly being attacked on important issues like this.
Our school board and district administration need to better listen to all our school board members and constituents and not tune out to good advice because of politics. Sometimes you can learn something new by listening to others’ advice and opinions, regardless of whether you like that person personally or not.
Closing A.R. Lewis and Holly Springs schools was the ultimate slap in the face of the public the board members serve. Four of the six board members did not listen to the opinions and advice of the public or Alex Saitta and Henry Wilson.
Swords, Bowers, Edwards and deceased member Cooper betrayed the will of the public and their trust. That decision was a mistake. Support for public education in our county will never be as strong as it was before because of their lack of wisdom to listen. Those four elected officials played politics with our children, and that is reprehensible.
The Bible gives us insight on wisdom in James 3:17 — “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”
Johnnelle Raines
Board member
Conservatives of the Upstate