
Courier Notice to Creditors 9-8-21

The publisher shall only be liable for an amount less than or equal to the charge for the space of the item in error in the case of errors in or omissions from any advertisement, and only for the first incorrect insertion.
All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of PICKENS COUNTY, the address of which is 222 MCDANIEL AVE., B-16 PICKENS, SC 29671, within eight (8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 62-3-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim, and a description of any security as to the claim.

Estate: Joshua John Naylor
Date of Death: 08/06/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900687
Personal Representative:
Kevin Mark Naylor
Address: 104 Cardinal Drive,
Clemson, SC 29631
Attorney: Randall M. Newton
Address: Post Office Box 1539,
Clemson, SC 29633

Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8

Estate: Velma Ann Chapman Hendrix
Date of Death: 06/08/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900676
Personal Representative:
Jimmy Drew Hendrix
Address: 163 Sheriff Road,
Central, SC 29630
Attorney: Emma W. Morris
Address: Post Office Box 795,
Seneca, SC 29679

Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8

Estate: Kenneth Leroy Black
Date of Death: 06/27/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900665
Personal Representative:
Geraldine H. Black
Address: 400 Frank Street,
Easley, SC 29642
Attorney: Daniel E. Hunt
Address: P.O. Box 887,
Easley, SC 29641

Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8

Estate: Barbara Lee Banks
Date of Death: 07/22/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900664
Personal Representative: Rickey Banks
Address: 120 Singleton Rd.,
Pickens, SC 29671
Attorney: J. Baker Cleveland, III
Address: Post Office Box 9,
Pickens, SC 29671

Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8

Estate: Stanley Allen Crowe
Date of Death: 08/07/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900707
Personal Representative:
Brenda Viola Crowe
Address: Post Office Box 184
448 N. Main St, Six Mile SC 29682

Sept. 1, 8, 15

Estate: Elizabeth Jane Hodges
Date of Death: 03/11/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900709
Personal Representative:
Debra J. Mullinnix
Address: 708 Sheffield Rd.,
Easley, SC 29642
Attorney: James E. Sterling
Address: Post Office Box 665,
Easley, SC 29641

Sept. 1, 8, 15

Estate: Laura Ellison Howard
Date of Death: 08/04/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900699
Personal Representative:
Donald Edward Howard, Jr.
Address: 105 Club Ridge Drive,
Pickens, SC 29671
Co-Personal Representative:
George Timothy Howard
Address: 105 Club Ridge Drive,
Pickens, SC 29671
Attorney: R. Scott Dover
Address: Post Office Box 462,
Pickens SC 29671

Sept. 1, 8, 15

Estate: David Wayne Bayliff
Date of Death: 07/07/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900630
Personal Representative:
Teresa A Bayliff
Address: 100 Patio Road
Easley, SC 29642

Sept. 1, 8, 15

Estate: Mildred Louise Holder Brewer
Date of Death: 01/02/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900069-2
Personal Representative:
Larry Richard Brewer
Address: 219 Robbie Ct.
Easley, SC 29642

Sept. 1, 8, 15

Estate: Thomas Neil Ferguson
Date of Death: 08/07/2021
Case Number: 2021ES3900712
Personal Representative:
Greta Hamlin Ferguson
Address: 718 Earls Bridge Rd.,
Easley, SC 29640
Attorney: Brian K. James
Address: Post Office Box 93,
Easley, SC 29642

Sept. 8, 15, 22