Culinary club gets cooking at Liberty’s Sarlin Library

Members of the Liberty Culinary Club, seated, are Jean Thomas, Romona Ross, Nora Williams, Vaughn Williams and Kristy Williams. Back, from left, are Rena Lovell, Mary Elizabeth Lovell, Tracy Morgan, Jackie Smith, Lynn Baker, Tami Metts, Mel Avery and Lisa Carpenter.
LIBERTY — Sept. 10 was a big day for Liberty, [cointent_lockedcontent]as the Friends of the Sarlin Library prepared to host their first-ever culinary club meeting.
A beautiful feast was set among autumnal decorations in the meeting room of the Sarlin Library. A rich aroma filled the room, promising a real treat to all. Recipes included tasty and tart appetizers; a variety of salads, some crispy and crunchy, others fruity and sweet; roast beef and potatoes; stuffed shells; orange and strawberry smoothies; fun and fanciful desserts and more.
Two children joined the luncheon. Vaughan Williams was the youngest chef, and his pear muffins were a big hit with the crowd.
The ladies led by committee chair Tami Metts selected Jan Karon’s “Mitford Cookbook and Kitchen Reader” for the club’s October meeting. All are welcome to join in the fun. The next meeting is set for 12:30 p.m. Oct 15.[/cointent_lockedcontent]