DAR honors local standout American history students

Pictured at left are Maris Monroe, Layla Joudeh, Eden Cassell, Lauren Denton, Taylor Tessnear, Jessica Keever and Taylor Hendricks.
EASLEY — The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recently assembled in the Capt. Kimberly Hampton Memorial Library to recognize students who have shown exceptional interest in the study of American history, superior responsibility through their training in JROTC, and students who have proven to be excellent leaders in the community.
The American History Award is presented to honor excellence in historical studies. The three winners this year, chosen because of their superior study of historical events are Taylor Frazier, Gettys Middle School, Taylor Tessnear, Liberty Middle School and Eden Cassell, Pickens Middle School.
JROTC is not required by the school system, but rather something the students themselves consider worthwhile. Liberty High School’s Taylor Hendricks and Pickens High School’s Maris Monroe received the DAR JROTC Awards.
The DAR Good Citizens program recognizes outstanding high school seniors in the community. A good citizen must be dependable, cooperative, courteous, and responsible while assuming a leadership role in the community.
The seniors who excelled in all these qualities were Layla Joudeh, Easley High School, Jessica Marie Keever, Liberty High School and Lauren Denton, Pickens High School.
“I am so proud that we have so many students in our community who excel,” said Harriet Nash, awards coordinator for the Fort Prince George Chapter.
Anne Kilpatrick, Vice Regent, said, “it is always so much fun when we present these awards and meet the winners, their parents and teachers.”
Kilpatrick feels it is important for the Fort Prince George chapter to be part of the community.
Approximately 45 parents, teachers, and friends attended the ceremony to honor this year’s DAR award winners.
DAR is a non-profit, non-political, service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history and securing America’s future through better education for children.
Founded in 1890, it is headquartered in Washington, DC. If you are interested in learning more about the Fort Prince George Chapter, please contact Lynda Abegg at 850-3071.