
DAR members mark treaty anniversary

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The Andrew Pickens Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) recently hosted a commemoration of the 230th anniversary of the Hopewell Treaty between the United States of America and the Cherokee on the grounds of General Andrew darPickens’ Hopewell, part of Clemson University. The ceremony opened with a flag procession by the Clemson University Army ROTC and the D. W. Daniel High School AFJROTC presenting the colors. Will Hiott, director of historic properties, gave the welcome, and Chief Gene Norris of the PAIA Lower Eastern Cherokee Nation of South Carolina gave the Cherokee response. Dr. Dave LaVere spoke as a French fur trader who had lived with the Cherokee in the 1780s, and Dr. Jerry Reel gave a program on “Mr. Pickens.”  Senator Thomas Alexander was a special guest. Pictured, from left, are SCDAR state corresponding secretary Harriet Nash, NSDAR vice president general Dot Lind, SCDAR state regent Dianne Culbertson, Chief Gene Norris, NSDAR chaplain general Ann Crider, Lucy Willis, SCDAR state recording secretary Mari Noorai and Skyagunsta Society CAR president Anna Haskins.