
Delegation meeting set for Thursday

EASLEY — Members of the public will have a chance to make their voices heard when the Pickens County Legislative Delegation holds its annual meeting this week.

The delegation’s meeting is scheduled for Thursday at the Carr Center at West End Hall in Easley, located at 201 S. Fifth St.

The Legislative Delegation consists of Senators Thomas C. Alexander and Larry A. Martin, as well as Representatives Joshua Putnam, Davey Hiott, Neal A. Collins and Gary E. Clary.

Reports from organizations and boards will be heard beginning at 5:30 p.m., and the floor will be opened for public comments at 6 p.m.

Infrastructure is an issue Martin expects will generate a lot of discussion, adding there is a significant difference in the quality of roads in South Carolina compared to North Carolina and Georgia.

“The big difference is how they’re funded,” Martin said. “They have a gas fee or user fee, and unfortunately, we don’t.”

Martin said Gov. Nikki Haley has long vowed to veto any gasoline tax and there doesn’t appear to be enough support in the Senate to override her veto. Therefore, Martin said other options would have to be considered.

The ethics reform bill appeared on its way to passage in last year’s legislative session before stalling. But legislators expect that another effort will be made to tackle the issue during the upcoming session.

Domestic violence is another issue legislators say will receive a lot of attention. South Carolina is No. 2 in the nation when it comes to women being murdered by men, dropping from the top spot the previous year.

The public is invited and encouraged to attend the meeting. Residents will have an opportunity to ask questions of and make comments to members of the delegation, and members of the delegation will comment on various issues that may be introduced in the upcoming session of the General Assembly,.

The South Carolina General Assembly will convene on Jan. 13.

For more information, contact the delegation office at (864) 850-7070.

Greg Oliver contributed to this story.