Doctors honor employee by shaving heads

Ben Robinson/Courier
Pictured, from left, are Dr. Matt Robertson, Dr. Shawn Irvin, Rhonda Robinson, Dr. Mike Boyer, Nikki Sorgee and Dr. Jason Looper.
By Ben Robinson
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — When Rhonda Robinson found that her treatment to prevent the spreading of cancer would cost her her hair, she felt all alone.
[cointent_lockedcontent]The doctors of Upstate Bone and Joint, where Robinson works as a receptionist, joined her in her battle.
Already familiar with the treatment, as many of their patients have faced cancer treatment while seeing the doctors for other health problems, the doctors talked about what they could do to make Robinson feel more at ease.
The four male doctors decided that when Robinson’s hair began to fall out due to the treatments, they would shave their heads as a symbol of unity.
“We think a lot of Rhonda around here,” Dr. Matt Roberson said. “We wanted to let her know she wasn’t going through this alone.”
Fellow employee Nikki Sorgee did the honors last Wednesday as the four doctors took turns having their heads shaved.
“I cannot believe they did that just to support me,” Robinson said.
Robinson’s treatments will continue through the first part of October. Then she will return to work full-time.
“I can’t express my heartfelt thanks,” Robinson said. “We’re like a family and we try to support each other. These are very kind, caring physicians.”
While this is the first time Roberson has ever made such a statement, he did not eliminate the possibility of doing it again.
“(I would do it again) if I have somebody in my life who is going through a hard time and could use the positive support,” Roberson said. “If I could help get them through a dark time, I wouldn’t hesitate to do this. After all, it’s only hair.”