Easley asking businesses to honor mask pledge

EASLEY — The city of Easley is asking all businesses within city limits to take the #MaskUPEasley Pledge in response to the city’s campaign encouraging social distancing, frequent washing of hands and face coverings when social distancing is not available.
When an establishment takes the pledge, they will be given material provided by the city encouraging all who step into their establishment to follow the guidelines set forth by city council in Resolution 2020-15, as well as all national and state guidelines as well.
“I pledge to make sure my establishment, to the best of my ability, will adhere to the #MaskUPEasley Guidelines that have been set forth by City Council, which reflect the CDC and SCDHEC recommendations,” the pledge reads. “Also, I hereby understand that I need to, as the owner of the business, ensure proper social distancing is taking place within my establishment, and that face coverings are provided to employees, vendors, and patrons. I, the business owner will display our participation in the #MaskUPEasley Campaign on all entrances of the establishments.”
Businesses may sign up to take the pledge at the city’s website, cityofeasley.com, under “Around the City,” or by calling (864) 855-7900 Ext. 1008 and leaving information.