Easley honors Lions

The Easley Lions Club was chartered on March 15, 1939. On Thursday, March 23, the club was honored with a Proclamation celebrating Lions International’s 100th anniversary. The Easley club has been a part of the organization for more than 75 years. The Easley Lions were founded by P.D.G. Lambright. Principal Jim Brice of Easley High School was elected the first president. Charter members included W.A. Allgood, Henry K. Bell, Jim Brice, Sidney L. Britton, S. Clyde Cantrell, J.W. Ellison, W.H. Farr, George C. Hagood Sr., Elmer D. Heard, John D. Hettrick, W. Woodrow Hopkins, Dr. Robert Jeanes, DMD, Wayne C. Johnson, R. Abner Jones, J.B. King, J.B. McAlister, W. Taylor Odell, Oree Parrish, Stateas R. Robinson, Thurman M. Rogers, J. Henry Sitton, Bardave R. Spearman, Woodrow W. Whitmire and Dr. H.S. Williams. Pictured above, Easley Mayor Larry Bagwell presents a signed proclamation to Lion Tamer Bill Whitlock, accepting for the Easley Lions Club.