Easley orienteering team preps for season
EASLEY — The Friends of Pickens County Guardian ad Litem are planning the second annual Clusters for Kids Oyster Roast and Silent Auction in late October.

The Easley High School NJROTC orienteering team traveled to Oconee State Park on Saturday to prepare for the season.
Community sponsors and supporters have come together for the second year to support the maltreated children of our community.
“The needs of abused and neglected children in Pickens County have never been higher.,” said FOPCGAL board member Baker Cleveland, an assistant 13th Circuit solicitor. “Please join me and the board in doing all we can to see those needs are met this year and for years to come. By supporting and attending our Oyster Roast, you are supporting an all-volunteer organization that makes a difference, and we promise you’ll have a great time in the process.”
The event is set for Saturday, Oct. 24, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Arran Farm, located at 820 Lenhardt Road in Easley.
The night includes an oyster roast, Southern-style buffet, beer, wine, music, corn hole competitions and more, but the highlight of the evening will be a silent auction, with more than 100 items to bid on, including rounds of golf at some of the Upstate’s best courses, sports memorabilia from South Carolina’s finest athletes, jewelry, condo rental and much more.
Ticket prices are $50 individually and $90 per couple, with a limited number of tickets available at the door for $75 each. Tickets may be purchased online at friendspcgal.org, from board members or at Appalachian Ale House, Nalley’s Furniture, Pickens Chamber of Commerce, Pickens County Guardian ad Litem, Town and Country Florist and Upstate School Spirit.
Proceeds for the evening will go to the Friends of Pickens County Guardian ad Litem program, which has been providing financial assistance to neglected and abused children since 2002.
Over the past seven years, the all-volunteer organization has raised more than $290,000 from significant fundraisers such as the second annual Clusters for Kids Oyster Roast.
“Last year’s oyster roast helped fund our 2015 annual Heart and Sole Back-to-School Shopping Day, which increased over 25 percent from the previous year, with over $20,000 spent on clothing and shoes for over 200 children in grades 5K-12,” chairperson Tammy Clark said. “The Heart and Sole Day allows some children to start school with new clothes for the first time ever. To receive a thank you from a counselor thanking our board for giving a teenage girl her first ever new pair of shoes and to know how many more children are like her is so humbling.”
For more information, contact Clark at (864) 506-0737 or via email at chair@friendspcal.org.