Easley Pride Day set for next month
By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — With spring comes spring cleaning in Easley.
The City of Easley will sponsor Easley Pride Day next month to encourage residents to pitch in and help beautify their neighborhoods.
Councilman Kent Dykes spoke of the community cleanup effort during Monday night’s Easley City Council meeting.
The cleanup will be held from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, April 16, in all wards of the city “to help our residents properly dispose of large refuse in their area that’s not collected on the curbside,” he said.
Large waste containers will be placed in each ward of the city for Easley Pride Day.
“Go into your neighborhoods, get those large items and bring them to these containers to be disposed of,” Dykes said.
Signage will be posted in the weeks leading up to Easley Pride Day to let residents know where the large waste containers will be.
During the cleanup time, a shredder truck will be parked at City Hall, Dykes said.
“Any businesses that have confidential papers, stuff that you want shredded, you can bring it up there at no cost and it will be taken care of,” he said.
Last year’s community cleanup effort netted more than 14 tons of trash, Dykes said.
“It was a big hit last year,” Mayor Larry Bagwell said.
This year, the city wants to collect “significantly more than that,” Dykes said.
“Spread the word,” Dykes said. “Let’s clean up our city.”