Easley’s Pete’s No. 6 set to move

EASLEY — There will be a lot of tears shed when Pete’s No. 6 on U.S. Highway 123 in Easley closes the doors at its 56-year location for the last time on Saturday.
However, there will be lots of cheers when Pete’s No. 6 opens up at 7 a.m. next Monday in its new state-of-the-art venue, located half a mile east of its old location in the totally remodeled facility that once housed Ruby Tuesday.
Pete’s No. 6 is the oldest sustaining restaurant in Easley, opening its doors in 1958 on East Main Street. Six years later, the restaurant moved to its current location.
In making the announcement, Pete’s owner Costas Petromichelis said, “I have always had a dream of having a very nice dining place where the family can go and enjoy a nice evening without breaking
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