Excitement fills the air at SCASC District 5 Rally
EASLEY — From the moment attendees walked into the Easley High School auditorium on Friday, Oct. 28, they could feel the excitement of 800-900 student council leaders participating in the South Carolina Association of Student Councils District 5 Rally.
District 5 is the largest district in South Carolina and encompasses Pickens, Greenville, Oconee, Anderson and Abbeville counties. This year’s theme was “Just Go Lead.” The event brought together student council leaders from across South Carolina for planning, entertainment and leadership lessons.
Between 800-900 student council leaders participated in the South Carolina Association of Students Councils District 5 Rally.
Easley graduate Rep. Neal Collins and EHS principal Gary Culler opened the event.
Easley junior Brooklyn Kelley was elected District 5 chair last March, which enabled EHS to host the special event. Along with her team, Kelley has been planning the event for the past year.
“I am honored to be standing here today, along with my vice chair, Tristan Crowe (of Pickens High School),” Kelley said. “We have an amazing state, and being able to look at the big smiles in this group feels so undeserving.”
This year, Easley was honored to have Gary Hipps, father of Tucker Hipps and author of the Tucker Hipps Transparency Act, as the keynote speaker.
Gary Hipps, father of Tucker Hipps and author of the Tucker Hipps Transparency Act, was the keynote speaker at the SCASC District 5 Rally.
“Days like this remind me of how blessed I am,” Hipps told those in attendance.
While he shared many leadership lessons that he learned from his son, Tucker, he challenged the students to be unique and celebrate their youth.
Yyou’re not judged by how many people are behind you, but by your destination,” he said.
In addition, Ethan Talley from Sunrift Adventures, shared his story. Entertainment was provided by Riley Barnes, Riley Rutland and the Easley step team and dance team. This year’s student council was advised by Tracy Todd of Easley High School.
The activities of the day proved once again that our future leaders are inspiring, energized and want to make a difference in the great state of South Carolina.