Family Promise offering help to those without housing, jobs due to COVID-19

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
COUNTY — Thanks to grant funding, Family Promise of Pickens County may be able to help those who are at risk of being homeless after losing their housing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“If they’ve lost their job or their housing due to the pandemic, we can help them get back on track,” Family Promise of Pickens County executive director Armilla Moore said.
Her agency has received a two-year $50,000 emergency shelter grant through the Office of Economic Opportunity, Moore said.
“This is COVID-19 money that came down through the federal government,” she said. “A number of other agencies also got that money, but we’re the only one in Pickens County that received it.”
While other county agencies may provide assistance with rent or bills, the grant funding may allow Family Promise to help for a longer period of time.
“We may be able to help from zero to six months, depending on the person’s need,” Moore said. “We also provide case management. We have good relationships with those other agencies. We hope that they will refer to us.”
Family Promise of Pickens County usually works with local churches to provide shelter for families with children under
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