Flame Award given to East Pickens Baptist

Pickens Mayor David Owens presents the We Fan The Flame award to Senior Pastor Jamie Duncan and members of East Pickens Baptist Church.
PICKENS — For their tireless efforts to reach out to the community, East Pickens Baptist Church members were recently presented the latest We Fan the Flame award. It is best known for the church sponsored Pickens Celebrates the Fourth annual event and, most recently, for its Food Pantry Ministry.
It was fifteen years ago, on July 4th 1998, that East Pickens initiated the annual 4th of July event. Pickens Celebrates the Fourth was established as a community celebration to allow families to enjoy time together as they celebrate Independence Day. Originally, the event was held at the Pickens YMCA property. In 2007, the event was moved to its current home on Main Street in downtown Pickens.
The annual July event offers free concessions, carnival games and face painting for children as well as free entertainment by bands. The culmination of each celebration is a free spectacular fireworks display sponsored by the City of Pickens. Local business partners have also provided sponsorship to assist with the event cost. “This family-oriented event not only serves as community outreach, but is also a reminder of the liberty and freedom that we enjoy in our nation as well as the freedom Christ offers to all who receive Him,” said Senior Pastor Jamie Duncan.
East Pickens Baptist Church was established in 1908 on Woodrow Street in downtown Pickens. The church was built by Pickens Mill for its workers. It relocated in 2003 to its present location on Gentry Memorial Highway.
East Pickens also has a strong presence in supporting the community by offering a monthly Food Pantry Ministry to needy families. On the third Sunday of every month, about 75 church volunteers pack boxes of food which are given to approximately 120 families who are in need of assistance. Families who come for help on those Sundays participate in the worship service, share in small group Bible studies and enjoy fellowship with members. Such endeavors help East Pickens members establish lasting relationships with others in the community. For more information about this ministry, and East Pickens Baptist Church, visit www.eastpickens.org.
We Fan The Flame recognizes group contributions that make Pickens a better place to live. It is presented by the Pickens Revitalization Association and the city of Pickens. The award program is open to any civic, school, charitable, religious, cultural, non-profit, business, senior youth, association or similar organization. Entries should be submitted to the PRA by the 15th of each month and will be considered throughout the year. Entry forms are available at www.historicpickens.com.