Fraternal Order of Police donates to Meals on Wheels
LIBERTY — The Fraternal Order of Police – Foothills Lodge No. 9 selected Pickens County Meals on Wheels (PCMOW) as its designated charity recipient in 2015.
Secretary/treasurer R.A. Gibson was pleased to present a $500 donation [cointent_lockedcontent]to Meals on Wheels executive director Meta Bowers.

R.A. Gibson of the Fraternal Order of Police – Foothills Lodge No. 9 presents a $500 donation to Meta Bowers, executive director of Pickens County Meals on Wheels.
The Fraternal Order of Police consists of active and retired police officers, which includes SLED, city, county and state officers who raise funds to serve those in needs. There are approximately 150 members in Pickens County, all of whom are in good standing. The FOP consists of a six-member board which meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Silver Bay in Easley.
Founded in 1980, Pickens County Meals on Wheels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that exists to combat the effects of hunger, loneliness and isolation for seniors living in Pickens County. Located at 349 Edgemont Ave. in Liberty, the McKissick Center for Senior Wellness is the home for the newly established PCMOW kitchen, its home-delivered meal program, the Young at Heart dining and activity center. Community-based programs like Meals on Wheels provide are a cost-effective way of helping people “Age in Place.” To find out more about Meals on Wheels and the importance of the work it does in Pickens County,, call 855-3770 ext. 303 or email[/cointent_lockedcontent]