Full steam ahead

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Golden shovels, hardhats and bicycles rest against a locomotive at the Pickens Rail Yard last Thursday prior to the groundbreaking cermony for the Doodle Trail, a multi-use recreational trail that will connect Pickens and Easley along the path of the old Pickens Doodle Railroad. The trail, which will stretch more than seven miles, is scheduled to be completed later this year.
Officials break ground for Doodle Trail
By Ben Robinson
Staff Reporter
PICKENS — Officials from Pickens and Easley met at the Pickens Rail Yard last Thursday to officially break ground on the long-awaited Doodle Trail, a multi-use recreational path connecting the two cities.
Easley mayor Larry Bagwell recognized the work that Easley city administrator Fox Simons and former Pickens city administrator Katherine Hendricks have put into planning the trail, which is

Ben Robinson/Courier
Pickens mayor David Owens, left, and Easley mayor Larry Bagwell speak at last week’s groundbreaking ceremony for the Doodle Trail in Pickens.
expected to be completed this spring as long as the weather cooperates.
“They have played a tremendous part in getting this done,” Bagwell said. “They did a lot of legal work.”
Pickens mayor David Owens said the two cities have worked well together on the project.
“We kind of look at Easley like our big brother,” Owens said. “They’ve always helped us, and if we need something they’re there, and hopefully we’ve helped them a lot over the years. This is certainly a testament to that fact.”
Owens talked proudly about the recent news of the hiring of new Pickens High School football coach John Boggs.
“We do have a new football coach just announced, so this year will be our year,” Owens said. “Time to start catching up a little bit.”
Bagwell, a former Easley High School football coach, noted that as of yet the new Easley football coach has not been hired.
“We haven’t named one yet, but I bet we beat you,” Bagwell joked.
Owens also introduced Pickens Railway Company general manager Donnie Sims, who has worked for the company for 38 years.
King Asphalt, located between Easley and Liberty, is the contractor for the Doodle Trail, Bagwell said.