Gleaning House needs help feeding hungry
By Iva Stratton
Courier staff
PICKENS — There are people in Pickens County going to bed hungry tonight. Gleaning House Ministries is trying to prevent that by helping those in need.
GHM serves 250-300 families each week on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:15 a.m., providing groceries for the needy in our community.
The need for food for families — especially families with children — has grown
tremendously in Pickens County. Many parents have had children with families
Iva Stratton/Courier
During the summer month’s many student volunteer their time to help those in need at Gleaning House Ministries.
move back in with them. The GHM now serves many families with 8-10 people in the same household.
Financial help is always appreciated. The ministry is a totally faith-based program with an all-volunteer staff. GHM has served those in Pickens County for the last 17 years.
During the summer, the program enjoys the help of many students as volunteers,
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