Go big, go bold, go brownies
By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier
Anything concerning chocolate is a serious matter. That’s why it was
devastating news a few years back to discover that Martha White had discontinued her brownie mix. It was perfect, and now it’s gone. She has broken my heart.
I never bothered making brownies from scratch because this was one package mix that really was “just like homemade.” So now what am I supposed to do? I’ve tried all the other mixes and don’t like any of them. I guess it’s time to go back to basics and make them from scratch. This week, four brownie recipes are featured as alternates to Martha White. One of the recipes, peanut butter brownies, uses mixes.
I wasn’t looking for something just like homemade. I wanted to find something “just like Martha White.” You be the judge.