Griffin Ebenezer to celebrate 145 years

PICKENS — Griffin Ebenezer Baptist Church will celebrate the church’s 145th anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 16, with a special 10 a.m. service entitled “To God Be The Glory.”
The service will feature guest speaker Pastor Dr. Wallace S. Hartsfield of Kansas City, Mo.
Hartsfield was born in Atlanta and has held pastorates in Pickens at Griffin Ebenezer Baptist Church, as well as in Brunswick, Ga., Bartow, Fla., and Wichita, Kan.
Upon the request of Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church of Kansas City, Mo., Hartsfield returned to assume the pastorate.
He served as the vice president-at-large of the National Baptist Convention of America Inc., past president of the General Baptist State Convention of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, and as past chairman and current board member of the Congress of National Black Churches.
Everyone is invited to the historic event. Griffin Ebenezer Baptist Church is located at 450 Garvin St. in Pickens.
For more information, contact the Rev. Carrol Austin, pastor, at (864) 878-4936 or (864) 859-1338.