Hiott chosen as new SC House majority leader

PICKENS — Rep. Davey Hiott of Pickens was elected by acclamation as the new majority leader of the South Carolina House of Representatives last week.
Hiott replaces 30-year veteran Rep. Gary Simrill (R-Rock Hill), who decided not to seek reelection this year. Hiott has served 18 years in the House, including the last seven as chairman of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. He officially took over as majority leader at 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 12.
“I have had the honor of serving District 4 for the past 18 years. Today, I am honored to be chosen by my colleagues to lead the majority caucus of the South Carolina House of Representatives,” Hiott said, “I am looking forward to serving District 4, our great state and our Republican majority in this esteemed position to move South Carolina and our Republican agenda forward. I will lead as I always have — with strong conservative principles and values.”
Hiott acknowledged the success and tenure of Simrill, who he said “has always exemplified the meaning of being a conservative and a consensus builder.”
“I hope that I am able to live up to his legacy,” Hiott said.
The majority leader’s role is to lead the legislative and policy agenda of the majority caucus.
Republicans currently hold a 79-43 majority in the S.C. House.