
‘Knit Pickens’ celebrates second anniversary


"Knit Pickens"

“Knit Pickens”

Knit Pickens” members celebrated their second anniversary on Saturday. The “Knit Pickens” are a needlecraft group started by Rachel Harshman in 2011. Members not only create special personal items but also make and donate hats, scarves, shawls and lap blankets for homeless folks and cancer patients. For abused and traumatized children they make dolls, teddy bears and blankets. Join the “Knit Pickens” to learn new projects or help others with your knowledge — be it knitting, crocheting, embroidery or sewing. Best of all, there is no charge. The “Knit Pickens” meet every second and fourth Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the Village Branch Library in Pickens.