Legion’s love for kids
Each year, American Legion Post 151, located at 375 Garvin Road in Norris, offers area kids Christmas and Easter parties. Around 100 kids come out for each event. At Christmas time, Santa is on hand and has each child a gift. For Easter, the Easter Bunny comes and hosts an egg hunt where each child is given an Easter basket. In order to raise money for the events, throughout the year the post has food plate fundraisers, a poker run and several auctions. The post also has a donation box that is availble at the Legion Hut all year. Post 151’s veterans, Sons of the Veterans and Women’s Auxiliary all do different events to help raise the needed funds to make the events possible. During a benefit or fundraiser, even the bartenders donate their tips. The Legion also has bands that help by playing for free to help raise money. Pictured above, Jayce and Jerryn Hamilton enjoy time on Santa’s lap as Robin Daves, dressed as Frosty the Snowman, assists.