
Letter to the Editor 2-3-16

The other four-letter word

Dear Editor,

Although it is very small, with only four letters total, it is very powerful just the same. It can lift your soul from the depths of Hell and put it on the mountaintops of Heaven.

So powerful that if it’s the true kind, Satan and all the demons of Hell can’t destroy it. It can also do just the opposite. Many graveyards are full of those who encountered the wrong kind.

Some have given their lives for it or taken others’ lives because of it. In the right hands, it calms the most violent of souls, but in the wrong it can enrage the most timid and bring on great destruction.

It can make a complete fool out of even the most learned or wise. More songs, poems, stories and books have been composed, written or told about it through all of history than anything.

It has brought down kings and queens and many a politician.

Be very careful if you encounter it, for as with fire, you may get burned, and as with life, there are no guarantees. Pray if you find it, and few are they that do, that it is the true kind.

The one kind that can bring more happiness than great riches or worldly fame. Only four letters — this the other four-letter word — so small yet powerful just the same.

Yes, a word spelled simply, L-O-V- E.

Something to think about in this month associated with love. Better yet, think on it all year long and be careful, be very careful, who you fall in love with, for not all love stories end with happily ever after as in the fairy tales.

Eddie Boggs
