Letters to the Editor 12-9-15
Praise and thanksgiving
Dear Editor,
All too often we just hear the bad things happening around us. We live in a fallen world, where bad things seem to be the norm. However, this letter is one of praise and thanksgiving for a God who loves each of us and cares about the little things in our life. And then to the good people of Pickens.
Last week, Dec. 3, after a long, busy day, I made a quick trip to Wal-Mart here in Pickens. Once I returned home, it was several hours before I realized my phone had not rang — and this is most unusual for me. To my surprise, the phone or my purse was not in my house nor my car. I knew that I had it when I left Wal-Mart, because I unlocked the car and drove home.
Long story short, I do not know where I left it. I do not make a habit of putting it in a buggy. Once I realized it was gone, I really panicked.
Looking back, I questioned how my faith disappeared in fear. But the fear was real.
My daughter was a big help — she called my phone, and immediately it rang her back. Seeing my number, she thought I had found it. The lady on the other end said she heard the phone ring in a purse in an off-limits room at Wal-Mart. She said I would have to come in person to identify it.
Needless to say, first I offered a prayer of thanks to God above for His protection and His intervention of what could have been a disaster.
And last, but certainly not least, I want to thank the unknown person or persons who found my purse and returned it to the service desk, who in turn placed it in another safe place.
I know it went through at least three different hands, and each one had the opportunity to do harm. However, nothing was out of place or missing. I find this amazing.
My faith in the people of Pickens is tremendous. It blesses my heart to see God at work through His people, and to God be the glory. Sometimes I think He allows things to happen to teach us to trust and praise Him through our fear. His love and goodness was magnified through the actions of unknown people, and I am truly grateful.
I know of no other way to say thank you except in the hope you see this letter.
Sylvia Dover
What’s the real reason?
Dear Editor,
I have a question. How come no one is demanding to see Ted Cruz’s birth certificate?
Cruz was born in Canada, and his father was a Cuban refugee who helped to put Castro into power. His mother is rumored to have renounced her U.S. citizenship and become a citizen of Canada.
So how come no one is questioning his birth certificate? Is he an American citizen or a Canadian?
Or is the real reason no one on the right is questioning his birth certificate but questioned President Obama because of skin tone?
Larry Allen