
LHS names delegates

Liberty High School students were recently selected as 2017 Palmetto Boys and Girls State delegates. Pictured above, from left, are Frank Cantrell of American Legion Post 67, Boys State delegates Chandler Pittman, Gatlin Bell, Lucas Bates, Grant Hitt and Dustin Krout, and Jerry Nalley of American Legion Post 67. At right are Girls State delegates Emily Sauls and Amber Wilson. Palmetto Boys State 2017 and Palmetto Girls State 2017 are week-long leadership camps where high school juniors with exceptional qualities in the areas of leadership, interest in government, character, honesty, scholarship, maturity and cooperativeness learn about and participate in government and politics. American Legion Post 67 sponsors Liberty male students to attend Boys State, and the American Legion Auxiliary sponsors female students to attend Girls State. This year’s Palmetto Boys State is June 11-17 at Anderson University in Anderson, and this year’s 2017 session of the American Legion Auxiliary Palmetto Girls State will be the same week at Presbyterian College in Clinton.