Liberty couple charged after kids found in roadway

LIBERTY — A Liberty couple faces multiple charges after their two young children were found wandering in a roadway on July 4.
Liberty police were called on July 4 in reference to a pair of children found unattended outside a home on Iselin Street. Officers found the children’s parents inside their residence unresponsive.
Brian Keith Burgess, 45, and Karie Amanda Burgess, 37, of 13 Iselin St. in Liberty, were arrested and charged with unlawful conduct towards a child.
Because of the conditions of the parents and a lack of food inside the home, the Department of Social Services was called. DSS later placed the children into the care of relatives.
On July 11, Brian and Karie Burgess were also charged with possession of heroin after a substance found in their home tested positive for heroin. Warrants were served on the two at the Pickens County Detention Center, where they are currently being held.