Living legends

Pickens Savings and Loan announces retirement of longtime board members
By Lauren M. Murphy
Special to the Courier
PICKENS — In 2021, the two longest-serving board members of Pickens Savings and Loan Association, William “Billy” Singleton and Jack Tinsley, decided that they were ready to retire from their positions on the bank’s board.
Perhaps the fact that the two gentlemen were each about to reach the age of 95 played a small role in that decision.

Courtesy photo
Billy Singleton, left, and Jack Tinsley served on the Pickens Savings and Loan board of directors for nearly 60 years each, and they’re now easing into retirement from their positions in their mid-90s.
However, to their fellow board members, the administration and the staff of Pickens Savings and Loan, Singleton and Tinsley’s age is just a number.
Singleton and Tinsley continue to amaze those around them who have had the pleasure of working alongside them over the years and, more specifically, in recent years. The remarkable ability of these two gentlemen to recall the details of loans made five years ago or events that impacted the bank 50 years ago will likely be revered by the board members and staff of Pickens Savings and Loan for many years to come.
Due in large measure to the insight, dedication, support and guidance that the two have given, Pickens
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