Local DAR members take part in ‘Honoring our Scottish Heritage’ tour
UPSTATE — Mari R. Noorai, Regent of the Andrew Pickens Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), and Dr. Rooksie E. Noorai, Historian of the Wizard of Tamassee Chapter DAR, served as the pages, at the request of Chaplain General Ann S. Crider of Greenville, for the Kirkin’ O’ Tartan ceremony at Saaint Giles’

Pictured at Saint Giles’ Cathedral are Mari Noorai, president general Lynn Young and Rooksie Noorai.
Cathedral in Edinburgh, Scotland, during President General Lynn F. Young’s “Honoring our Scottish Heritage” tour. During the trip, the sisters served as pages for the Historian General Bana W. Caskey at a historic marker dedication commemorating the Declaration of Arbroath at Newbattle Abbey College in Dalkeith, Scotland and at four separate wreath laying ceremonies.
There were two separate wreath-laying ceremonies in Stirling where one of the sisters’ Scottish ancestors, William Nimmons, or “Nimmo,” was born. Nimmons is a Revolutionary War Patriot.
“Walking where young William lived was awe-inspiring,” Mari Noorai said. “The views of the distant mountains made it clear why he and his family settled in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina.”
Some of the other Scottish families the sisters descend from are Anderson, Duncan, Gillespie, Hunter, McConnell and Young.
In addition, the sisters visited the ancestral homeland of John C. Calhoun in Luss, Loch Lomond, Scotland. Both work at Clemson University.